Vasily Surikov. Menshikov in Berezovo, 1883

The painting "Menshikov in Berezovo" by Vasily Surikov is a dramatic depiction of the life of the disgraced prince

"Menshikov in Berezovo" is a painting by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, created in 1883, depicting the favorite of Peter the Great, who was in exile in Siberia. The main protagonist is seated in a chair surrounded by three children. Menshikov's facial features reveal an extraordinary personality with great vitality. However, the gloomy circumstances have already left their mark on his appearance. The prince appears grim and unkempt, with wrinkles furrowing his forehead, and his gaze fixed in the distance. It seems that only the physical body of the main character is present in this remote Siberian cabin, while his soul and mind are still captured by his previous life in Moscow, full of political intrigues and lavish balls. His eldest daughter, Maria, clings to her father, dressed entirely in dark clothing. She seems to be mourning the lost prospects of becoming the wife of the emperor. The son, Alexander, looks contemplatively at a candle, while the youngest daughter diligently studies a book. She is the only character who appears to be living in the present moment. Perhaps with the ease characteristic of youth, the girl has adapted to the new realities before her relatives. The interior of the cabin, which Menshikov built with his own hands, is solidly constructed but far from the luxury to which the prince's family was accustomed: a bear skin on the floor, icons in the red corner, an embroidered tablecloth, and candles in carved candlesticks. The only small window barely allows light to penetrate, casting a glow into the distant corner, while the main characters, wrapped in warm clothing, remain in semi-darkness. Thus, the author skillfully conveys the sensation of cold and profound darkness that prevails in their souls.

Vasily Surikov. Menshikov in Berezovo, 1883Vasily Surikov. Menshikov in Berezovo, 1883

  • Title of the painting: "Menshikov in Berezovo" (Russian: «Меншиков в Березово»).
  • Artist: Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (Russian: Василий Иванович Суриков) (1848-1916).
  • Year of creation: 1883.
  • Size: 169 x 204 cm.
  • Style: Realism.
  • Genre: Historical.
  • Technique: Oil.
  • Material: Canvas.
  • Location: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov was a Russian painter of the second half of the 19th century, a renowned master of depicting grand historical scenes. The idea to paint Menshikov in exile came to the artist on a rainy summer day when the whole family gathered in a peasant's hut, waiting for good weather. It was then that Surikov envisioned another family sitting in a simple wooden house exactly 150 years ago, immersed in somber thoughts.

The artwork was presented at an exhibition of the Society of Traveling Art Exhibitions. Admirers of Surikov's talent received the painting very favorably. Viewers noted the complex yet harmonious composition, thoughtful use of color that remarkably captured the characters' moods, attention to historical details of costumes and setting, and, of course, the vivid emotional resonance of the artwork. Subsequently, the canvas was acquired by Pavel Tretyakov.

Vasily Surikov's painting "Menshikov in Berezovo" is not only a highly truthful depiction of a significant event in Russian history but also a reflection of the personal tragedy of a man who suddenly lost everything.

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