Adalbert Waagen (1833 - 1898) - photo 1

Adalbert Waagen

Adalbert Waagen is a German landscape painter. Studied in Munich and Milan. In Munich he founded his studio. In 1869 he moved with his wife to Berchtesgaden and opened a studio with a direct view of Mount Wachsmann. The artist received commissions from all over Europe. His focus was on landscapes, primarily mountains. His work can be seen in the Martin von Wagner Museum, the Julius-Maximilian University of Würzburg and the Munich City Museum.

Date and place of birt:30 march 1833, Munich, Germany
Date and place of death:15 april 1898, Berchtesgaden, Germany
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter
Genre:Mountain landscape

Creators Germany

Johann Leonhard Raab (1825 - 1899)
Johann Leonhard Raab
1825 - 1899
Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805 - 1874)
Wilhelm von Kaulbach
1805 - 1874
Johann Matthias Wurzer (1760 - 1838)
Johann Matthias Wurzer
1760 - 1838
Wilhelm Neuhauser (1885 - 1960)
Wilhelm Neuhauser
1885 - 1960
Edward Harrison Compton (1881 - 1960)
Edward Harrison Compton
1881 - 1960
Cornelius Quabeck (1974)
Cornelius Quabeck
Rudolf Ferdinandovich Frentz (1831 - 1918)
Rudolf Ferdinandovich Frentz
1831 - 1918
Otto Behrens (1918 - 1970)
Otto Behrens
1918 - 1970
Axel Hütte (1951)
Axel Hütte
Ida Kerkovius (1879 - 1970)
Ida Kerkovius
1879 - 1970
Christoph Ruckhäberle (1972)
Christoph Ruckhäberle
Rupprecht Geiger (1908 - 2009)
Rupprecht Geiger
1908 - 2009
Albert Birkle (1900 - 1986)
Albert Birkle
1900 - 1986
Moritz Heymann (1870 - 1937)
Moritz Heymann
1870 - 1937
Ludwig Vollmar (1842 - 1884)
Ludwig Vollmar
1842 - 1884
Friedrich Ludwig (1895 - 1970)
Friedrich Ludwig
1895 - 1970