Adolf des Coudres (1862 - 1924)

Adolf des Coudres (1862 - 1924) - photo 1

Adolf des Coudres

Adolf des Coudres was a German landscape painter. His father was Ludwig des Coudres, a painter and Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe. Despite this, he did not support his son's desire to become a painter. It was only after his father's death in 1878 that he was able to begin his studies. In 1881, he enrolled at the Academy, where he studied with Gustav Schönleber, who had a profound influence on his style. He remained there until 1890, making several stays at artists' colonies. After completing his studies, he worked as a freelance painter until 1909, participating in exhibitions at Baden-Baden and Munich, including several showings at the Glaspalast, as well as Karlsruhe. He also helped establish a private painting school for women. He often visited Holland; staying at the artists' colony in Ahrenshoop. In 1910, he moved to Fürstenfeldbruck, where he built a villa and studio for myself and his sister Luise. He participated in creating the first art exhibition there in 1914.


Date and place of birt:2 june 1862, Karlsruhe, Germany
Date and place of death:21 september 1924, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Luitpoldgruppe
Genre:Flower still life, Landscape painting, Rural landscape, Still life
Art style:Impressionism

Creators Impressionism

Antonin Gudecek (1872 - 1941)
Antonin Gudecek
1872 - 1941
Friedrich Stahl (1863 - 1940)
Friedrich Stahl
1863 - 1940
Robert Efimovich Landarsky (1936)
Robert Efimovich Landarsky
Max Slefogt (1868 - 1932)
Max Slefogt
1868 - 1932
Eugène Selmy (1874 - 1945)
Eugène Selmy
1874 - 1945
Nikolai Fyodorovich Smolin (1888 - 1962)
Nikolai Fyodorovich Smolin
1888 - 1962
Albert Gustaf Edelfelt (1854 - 1905)
Albert Gustaf Edelfelt
1854 - 1905
Jane Sutherland (1853 - 1928)
Jane Sutherland
1853 - 1928
Wilhelm Fritzel (1870 - 1943)
Wilhelm Fritzel
1870 - 1943
Louis Marcoussis (1878 - 1941)
Louis Marcoussis
1878 - 1941
Eugène Boch (1855 - 1941)
Eugène Boch
1855 - 1941
Marcel Rieder (1862 - 1942)
Marcel Rieder
1862 - 1942
Fritz Ebel (1835 - 1895)
Fritz Ebel
1835 - 1895
Franz Heckendorf (1888 - 1962)
Franz Heckendorf
1888 - 1962
Hans Rieder ()
Hans Rieder
Luigi Brignoli (1881 - 1952)
Luigi Brignoli
1881 - 1952