Benjamin Houlihan (1975) - photo 1

Benjamin Houlihan

Benjamin Houlihan is a German painter, sculptor, and artist.

He studied at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art, where he is now a teacher. Since 2010, the artist has been transforming inconspicuous everyday objects, changing their material and size, into larger figures with a suggestive aura. In his wall paintings made with cottage cheese and food dyes, which Houlihan applies with his tongue, he also touches on the theme of painting.

Date and place of birt:1975, Olpe, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter, Sculptor
Art style:Abstract art, Contemporary art
Technique:Mixed media, Tempera

Creators Germany

Wilhelm Steuerwaldt (1815 - 1871)
Wilhelm Steuerwaldt
1815 - 1871
Alexander Besel (1971)
Alexander Besel
Edgar Hofschen (1941 - 2016)
Edgar Hofschen
1941 - 2016
Walter Volland (1898 - 1980)
Walter Volland
1898 - 1980
Clara Arnheim (1865 - 1942)
Clara Arnheim
1865 - 1942
Erwin A. Schinzel (1919 - 2018)
Erwin A. Schinzel
1919 - 2018
Gino Parin (1876 - 1944)
Gino Parin
1876 - 1944
Anna Dorothea Therbusch (Lisiewski) (1721 - 1782)
Anna Dorothea Therbusch (Lisiewski)
1721 - 1782
Gustav Preyer (1801 - 1838)
Gustav Preyer
1801 - 1838
 Wilhelm Friedrich Hubert Ohm (1905 - 1965)
Wilhelm Friedrich Hubert Ohm
1905 - 1965
Georg Philipp Rugendas I (1666 - 1742)
Georg Philipp Rugendas I
1666 - 1742
Johann Peter Götting (1795 - 1865)
Johann Peter Götting
1795 - 1865
Theodor Müller (1838 - 1908)
Theodor Müller
1838 - 1908
Johann Friedrich Seupel (1780 - 1795)
Johann Friedrich Seupel
1780 - 1795
Kazimierz («Kachu») Ostrowski (1917 - 1999)
Kazimierz («Kachu») Ostrowski
1917 - 1999
Ernst Deger (1809 - 1885)
Ernst Deger
1809 - 1885

Creators Abstract art

Yolanda Pong (1973)
Yolanda Pong
Dave Pearson (1937 - 2008)
Dave Pearson
1937 - 2008
Sexto Canegallo (1892 - 1966)
Sexto Canegallo
1892 - 1966
Sharon Core (1965)
Sharon Core
Simon Dittrich (1940)
Simon Dittrich
Michael Irmer (1955 - 1996)
Michael Irmer
1955 - 1996
John Randall Bratby (1928 - 1992)
John Randall Bratby
1928 - 1992
Felix Mayer-Felice (1876 - 1929)
Felix Mayer-Felice
1876 - 1929
Nikolay Nikolaevich Kupreyanov (1894 - 1933)
Nikolay Nikolaevich Kupreyanov
1894 - 1933
Jan Nieuwenhuys (1922 - 1986)
Jan Nieuwenhuys
1922 - 1986
Yakov Andreevich Golubev (1913 - 1973)
Yakov Andreevich Golubev
1913 - 1973
Gustave Singier (1909 - 1984)
Gustave Singier
1909 - 1984
Jürgen Klein (1904 - 1978)
Jürgen Klein
1904 - 1978
Markus Raetz (1941 - 2020)
Markus Raetz
1941 - 2020
Riccardo Dalisi (1931 - 2022)
Riccardo Dalisi
1931 - 2022
Samuil Yakovlevich Adlivankin (1897 - 1966)
Samuil Yakovlevich Adlivankin
1897 - 1966