Domenichino (1581 - 1641) - photo 1


Domenichino, real name Domenico Zampieri, Italian painter of the Bolognese school, mentor of Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain, forerunner of Classicism.

Domenico painted the Palazzo Farnese and the frescoes in the church of Sant'Onofrio. He worked with Guido Reni in the Church of St Gregory the Great. Until the middle of the 19th century Domenichino was regarded by connoisseurs of the fine arts as one of the greatest artists in European history, a true heir of Raphael.

Date and place of birt:21 october 1581, Bologna, Italy
Date and place of death:6 april 1641, Bologna, Italy
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Bolognese School
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Classicism, Old Masters

Creators Italy

Fausto Melotti (1901 - 1986)
Fausto Melotti
1901 - 1986
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564)
Michelangelo Buonarroti
1475 - 1564
Priamo della Quercia (1400 - 1467)
Priamo della Quercia
1400 - 1467
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 - 1804)
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
1727 - 1804
Rembrandt Bugatti (1884 - 1916)
Rembrandt Bugatti
1884 - 1916
Antonio Zucchi (1726 - 1795)
Antonio Zucchi
1726 - 1795
Enrico Tarenghi (1848 - 1938)
Enrico Tarenghi
1848 - 1938
Renato Bertelli (1900 - 1974)
Renato Bertelli
1900 - 1974
Ottorino Garosio (1904 - 1980)
Ottorino Garosio
1904 - 1980
Andrea Di Bonaiuto (1319 - 1377)
Andrea Di Bonaiuto
1319 - 1377
Domingos Antonio Sequeira (1768 - 1837)
Domingos Antonio Sequeira
1768 - 1837
Domenico Durante (1879 - 1944)
Domenico Durante
1879 - 1944
Prospero Fontana (1512 - 1597)
Prospero Fontana
1512 - 1597
Orazio Grevenbroeck (1676 - 1739)
Orazio Grevenbroeck
1676 - 1739
Jacopo da Empoli (1551 - 1640)
Jacopo da Empoli
1551 - 1640
Carlo Dolci (1616 - 1686)
Carlo Dolci
1616 - 1686

Creators Baroque

Stephen Elmer (1717 - 1796)
Stephen Elmer
1717 - 1796
James (Jean-Jacques) Pradier (1790 - 1852)
James (Jean-Jacques) Pradier
1790 - 1852
Jan Asselijn (1610 - 1652)
Jan Asselijn
1610 - 1652
Thomas van Apshoven (1622 - 1664)
Thomas van Apshoven
1622 - 1664
Johann Melchior Dinglinger (1664 - 1731)
Johann Melchior Dinglinger
1664 - 1731
Jacob Willemsz. de Wet (1610 - 1671)
Jacob Willemsz. de Wet
1610 - 1671
Camillo Berlinghieri (1590 - 1635)
Camillo Berlinghieri
1590 - 1635
Hendrick Goltzius (1558 - 1617)
Hendrick Goltzius
1558 - 1617
Giuseppe Avanzi (1645 - 1718)
Giuseppe Avanzi
1645 - 1718
Ubaldo Gandolfi (1728 - 1781)
Ubaldo Gandolfi
1728 - 1781
Peter Binoit (1590 - 1632)
Peter Binoit
1590 - 1632
Francesco Ruschi (1600 - 1661)
Francesco Ruschi
1600 - 1661
Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (1634 - 1718)
Giuseppe Maria Mitelli
1634 - 1718
Pieter Gerritsz. Van Roestraeten (1630 - 1700)
Pieter Gerritsz. Van Roestraeten
1630 - 1700
Christian Ezdorf (1801 - 1851)
Christian Ezdorf
1801 - 1851
Aarons George (1896 - 1980)
Aarons George
1896 - 1980