Franz von Bayros (1866 - 1924)

Franz von Bayros (1866 - 1924) - photo 1

Franz von Bayros

Franz von Bayros was an Austrian commercial artist, illustrator, and painter, best known for his controversial Tales at the Dressing Table portfolio. He belonged to the Decadent movement in art, often utilizing erotic themes and phantasmagoric imagery.


Date and place of birt:28 may 1866, Zagreb, Croatia
Date and place of death:2 april 1924, Vienna, Austria
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Illustrator, Painter
Art school / group:Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Genre:Mythological painting, Nude art
Art style:Modern art, Symbolism

Creators Austria

Zygmunt Aydukevich (1861 - 1917)
Zygmunt Aydukevich
1861 - 1917
Georg Ehrlich (1897 - 1966)
Georg Ehrlich
1897 - 1966
Josef Thorak (1889 - 1952)
Josef Thorak
1889 - 1952
August Querfurth (1696 - 1761)
August Querfurth
1696 - 1761
Joseph Hoffmann (1831 - 1904)
Joseph Hoffmann
1831 - 1904
Joris Hoefnagel (1542 - 1601)
Joris Hoefnagel
1542 - 1601
Wolfgang Hollegha (1929)
Wolfgang Hollegha
Erich Schobesberger (1959)
Erich Schobesberger
Marianne Stokes (1855 - 1927)
Marianne Stokes
1855 - 1927
Max Rappaport (1884 - 1924)
Max Rappaport
1884 - 1924
Alois Arnegger (1879 - 1967)
Alois Arnegger
1879 - 1967
Joseph Frank (1885 - 1967)
Joseph Frank
1885 - 1967
Anton Faistauer (1887 - 1930)
Anton Faistauer
1887 - 1930
Eduard von Steinle (1810 - 1886)
Eduard von Steinle
1810 - 1886
Adi Holzer (1936)
Adi Holzer
Karl Theodore Bitter (1867 - 1915)
Karl Theodore Bitter
1867 - 1915

Creators Modern art

Erich Hartmann (1886 - 1974)
Erich Hartmann
1886 - 1974
Hugo Steiner-Prag (1880 - 1945)
Hugo Steiner-Prag
1880 - 1945
Peter Strang (1936)
Peter Strang
John Marin (1870 - 1953)
John Marin
1870 - 1953
Theo Meier (1908 - 1982)
Theo Meier
1908 - 1982
Bertram Charles Binning (1909 - 1976)
Bertram Charles Binning
1909 - 1976
Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst (1868 - 1938)
Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst
1868 - 1938
Armand Point (1861 - 1932)
Armand Point
1861 - 1932
Massimo Vignelli (1931 - 2014)
Massimo Vignelli
1931 - 2014
Franz Lenk (1898 - 1968)
Franz Lenk
1898 - 1968
Gustav Kampmann (1859 - 1917)
Gustav Kampmann
1859 - 1917
Alexander Kanoldt (1881 - 1939)
Alexander Kanoldt
1881 - 1939
Isidore Verheyden (1846 - 1905)
Isidore Verheyden
1846 - 1905
Clara Rühle (1885 - 1947)
Clara Rühle
1885 - 1947
Johann Georg Müller (1913 - 1986)
Johann Georg Müller
1913 - 1986
Tapio Wirkkala (1915 - 1985)
Tapio Wirkkala
1915 - 1985