Giovan Francesco Penni (il Fattore, 1488 - 1528)

Giovan Francesco Penni (1488 - 1528) - photo 1

Giovan Francesco Penni

Giovan Francesco Penni, an Italian painter born in 1488, carved a niche for himself amidst the luminaries of the Renaissance. As a native of Florence, his artistry was cradled in the birthplace of the Renaissance, allowing him to develop a specialization that beautifully married traditional techniques with the burgeoning innovations of the time.

Penni is best known for his intimate collaboration with Raphael, one of the era's most celebrated masters. This association not only honed his skills but also deeply influenced his artistic direction, imbuing his works with a blend of grace and narrative depth characteristic of the High Renaissance. Penni's contributions to art, though less documented than those of his contemporaries, highlight his adeptness in painting and his ability to capture the ethereal beauty of religious and mythological subjects.

His known works, which include contributions to the Raphael Rooms in the Vatican, stand as testament to his skill and artistic vision. While many of his individual pieces may reside in obscurity, those attributed to him and preserved in museums and galleries across Europe continue to enchant art lovers with their elegance and historical significance.

For collectors and experts in art and antiques, Giovan Francesco Penni represents an intriguing figure whose legacy is ripe for rediscovery. His works, woven into the tapestry of Renaissance art, offer a unique lens through which to explore an era that shaped the course of Western art history.

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Nickname:il Fattore
Date and place of birt:1488, Provincia di Firenze, Italy
Date and place of death:1528, Naples, Italy
Period of activity: XVI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Florentine School
Genre:Christian art, Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:High Renaissance, Old Masters, Renaissance

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