Gordon Onslow Ford (1912 - 2003)

Gordon Onslow Ford (1912 - 2003) - photo 1

Gordon Onslow Ford

Gordon Onslow Ford was a painter, watercolourist and draughtsman.

At the time of his death at his home, he was among the last of the Parisian Surrealist group, which he joined in 1938. While still in Paris before the Second World War, Onslow Ford developed a technique called coulage, anticipating the method made famous by Jackson Pollock. By letting enamel paint flow freely onto a canvas, he took advantage of the effects of chance so admired by the Surrealists in their quest for automatic processes that could tap into the unconscious. Sometimes he superimposed lines and geometric shapes on fluid, indeterminate forms to bring order and stability to the canvas. In the same years, he also produced landscapes full of biomorphic forms. Finely crafted paintings of this type, often incorporating cryptic symbols, continued to evolve for some time thereafter. In California, he continued his quest to represent an inner world in harmony with nature by imagining ineffable ethers supporting abstract forms and floating points of light.

Date and place of birt:26 december 1912, Wendover, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:9 november 2003, Inverness, USA
Nationality:United Kingdom, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art style:Abstract Expressionism, Abstract art, Contemporary art, Geometric abstraction, Surrealism, Современный сюрреализм
GORDON ONSLOW FORD (1912-2003) - Auction prices

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Creators United Kingdom

James Jebusa Shannon (1862 - 1923)
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1862 - 1923
Edward Burra (1905 - 1976)
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1905 - 1976
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1855 - 1936
Jeff Keen (1923 - 2012)
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1923 - 2012
Arthur Hacker (1858 - 1919)
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John Baptiste Medina (1659 - 1710)
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Edward Barnard (? - 1855)
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? - 1855
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1606 - 1672
Hilda Rix Nicholas (1884 - 1961)
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1884 - 1961
Derek Boshier (1937)
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Samuel J. Herman (1936 - 2020)
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1936 - 2020
David Jagger (1891 - 1958)
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1891 - 1958
Henry Fuseli (1741 - 1825)
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1741 - 1825

Creators Abstract Expressionism

Jan Knap (1949)
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Rainer Küchenmeister (1926 - 2010)
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Peter Umlauf (1938)
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Mark Grotjahn (1968)
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Hans Schärer (1927 - 1997)
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Ubbo Enninga (1955)
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Ma Tse-Lin (1960)
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M.S. Bastian (1963)
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Tau Lewis (1993)
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Izima Kaoru (1954)
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