Ingeborg von Einsiedel (1917 - 2002)

Ingeborg von Einsiedel (1917 - 2002) - photo 1

Ingeborg von Einsiedel

Ingeborg von Einsiedel, a German graphic artist, studied at the State Academy for Graphic Arts and Book Trade in Leipzig. She worked closely with Karl Max Schneider, the director of the Leipzig Zoo, and was responsible for the signage of the enclosures and the animal books. After Schneider's death, she took care of his scientific legacy and became the "soul" of the zoo. She also created wood engravings depicting animals and plants.

Date and place of birt:17 february 1917, Leipzig, Germany
Date and place of death:1 february 2002, Leipzig, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Animalist, Artist, Designer, Engraver, Graphic artist, Painter
Art style:Contemporary art, Post War Art

Creators Contemporary art

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1900 - 1966
Rainer Zille (1945 - 2005)
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1945 - 2005
Hagen Hilderhof (1937)
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Michael Dweck (1957)
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Marwan Hoss (1948)
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Frank Breidenbruch (1963)
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Esteban Fekete (1924 - 2009)
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1924 - 2009
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Dagmar Riese (1953)
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Günter Rittner (1927 - 2020)
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1927 - 2020
Nikas Safronov (1956)
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Falko Behrendt (1951)
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Jürgen Runge (1929 - 1992)
Jürgen Runge
1929 - 1992
Eduard Stepanovich Kochergin (1937)
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Ludwig Bemelmans (1898 - 1962)
Ludwig Bemelmans
1898 - 1962