Lewis David de Schweinitz (1780 - 1834)

Lewis David de Schweinitz (1780 - 1834) - photo 1

Lewis David de Schweinitz

Lewis David de Schweinitz (also Ludwig David von Schweinitz), born on February 13, 1780, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, was a German-American botanist and mycologist. His parents, Hans Christian Alexander and Dorothea Elizabeth von Watteville von Schweinitz, were instrumental in the administration of the Moravian Church in America. Following his early education in Bethlehem, Schweinitz was sent to Germany in 1798 to continue his academic pursuits.

In Germany, Schweinitz enrolled in the Moravian Theological Seminary at Niesky in Silesia. It was there that he met Professor Albertini, who shared his interest in botany. Schweinitz's focus on the study of fungi earned him the title "Father of North American Mycology." His contributions to the field were significant, as he was the first American to concentrate his botanical efforts specifically on fungi.

Among his many accomplishments, Schweinitz produced extensive mycological illustrations and published works on the subject. His manuscripts and watercolor paintings of fungi served as reference materials in the development of his Conspectus, a compendium of his findings and classifications. The impact of his work was so considerable that several taxa were named in his honor, highlighting his legacy in the world of botany and mycology.

Schweinitz passed away on February 8, 1834, but his legacy endures through his scientific contributions and the respect he garnered internationally as a botanist. His life and work continue to be celebrated and studied by those in the field, and his illustrations and findings remain a significant part of mycological history​.

Date and place of birt:13 february 1780, Bethlehem, USA
Date and place of death:8 february 1834, Bethlehem, USA
Nationality:Germany, USA
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Botanist, Mycologist, Philosopher

Creators Germany

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1889 - 1972
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1866 - 1942
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1807 - 1871
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Robert Schmidt-Hamburg (1885 - 1963)
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1885 - 1963
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1842 - 1884