Ludwig Gies (1887 - 1966) - photo 1

Ludwig Gies

Ludwig Gies was a German painter. He was best known for his paintings and prints, which were influenced by Expressionism and the New Objectivity movement.

Gies studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and then at the Kunstgeverbeschule in Berlin. In the 1920s he became a member of the 'November Group', a group of artists who sought to create a new form of art that was politically engaged and socially relevant. Gies was also a member of the Association of Revolutionary Visual Artists of Germany.

In his work, Gies often depicted working class people, urban scenes and still life subjects with a sense of social realism. His style was characterized by bold lines, vivid colours and dynamic composition, which gave his works a powerful emotional impact.

Gies's art was widely exhibited in Germany during his lifetime and he was awarded several prizes and awards for his work. Today, his paintings and prints are in the collections of many museums and galleries in Germany and abroad.

Date and place of birt:3 september 1887, Munich, Germany
Date and place of death:29 january 1966, Cologne, Germany
Specialization:Artist, Graphic artist, Sculptor
Genre:Figurative art
Art style:Degenerate art, Modern art, New Objectivity, Post War Art
Ludwig Gies - Auction prices

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Creators Germany

Eugen Dekkert (1865 - 1956)
Eugen Dekkert
1865 - 1956
Giovanni Murari (1669)
Giovanni Murari
Hermann Kauffmann I (1808 - 1889)
Hermann Kauffmann I
1808 - 1889
Georg Hänel (1879 - 1945)
Georg Hänel
1879 - 1945
Gabriele Münter (1877 - 1962)
Gabriele Münter
1877 - 1962
Paul Ernst Wilke (1894 - 1971)
Paul Ernst Wilke
1894 - 1971
Ludwig Seitz (1844 - 1908)
Ludwig Seitz
1844 - 1908
Helmut Kolle (1899 - 1931)
Helmut Kolle
1899 - 1931
Egid Quirin Asam (1692 - 1750)
Egid Quirin Asam
1692 - 1750
Paul Klee (1879 - 1940)
Paul Klee
1879 - 1940
Wolfgang Mattheuer (1927 - 2004)
Wolfgang Mattheuer
1927 - 2004
Johann Melchior Dinglinger (1664 - 1731)
Johann Melchior Dinglinger
1664 - 1731
Jana Euler (1982)
Jana Euler
 Wols (1913 - 1951)
1913 - 1951
Herbert Hamak (1952)
Herbert Hamak
Carl Lohse (1895 - 1965)
Carl Lohse
1895 - 1965

Creators Degenerate art

Hans Guradze (1861 - 1922)
Hans Guradze
1861 - 1922
Markus Lüpertz (1941)
Markus Lüpertz
Bryan Wynter (1915 - 1975)
Bryan Wynter
1915 - 1975
Lyubov Sergeyevna Popova (1889 - 1924)
Lyubov Sergeyevna Popova
1889 - 1924
Rudolf Hausner (1914 - 1995)
Rudolf Hausner
1914 - 1995
Olga Aleksandrovna Kateneva-Neimane (1908 - 2001)
Olga Aleksandrovna Kateneva-Neimane
1908 - 2001
Kai Kristiansen (1929)
Kai Kristiansen
Vera Sergeevna Zeniakina (1919 - ?)
Vera Sergeevna Zeniakina
1919 - ?
Alberto Rosselli (1921 - 1976)
Alberto Rosselli
1921 - 1976
Romare Bearden (1911 - 1988)
Romare Bearden
1911 - 1988
Doris Rücker (1909 - 1986)
Doris Rücker
1909 - 1986
Francisco Zúñiga (1912 - 1998)
Francisco Zúñiga
1912 - 1998
Hans Christiansen (1866 - 1945)
Hans Christiansen
1866 - 1945
Einar Reuter (Ahtela) (1881 - 1968)
Einar Reuter (Ahtela)
1881 - 1968
Julius Wolff (1895 - 1980)
Julius Wolff
1895 - 1980
Francisco Bores (1898 - 1972)
Francisco Bores
1898 - 1972