Ludwig Gustav Voltz (1825 - 1911)

Ludwig Gustav Voltz (1825 - 1911) - photo 1

Ludwig Gustav Voltz

Date and place of birt:28 april 1825, Augsburg (Schwaben), Germany
Date and place of death:26 december 1911, Munich, Germany
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Illustrator, Painter
Art school / group:Мюнхенское художественное объединение
Genre:Animalistic, History painting, Landscape painting, Military art
Art style:Academism, Realism

Creators Academism

Hugo Wetli (1916 - 1972)
Hugo Wetli
1916 - 1972
Jozef Brandt (1841 - 1915)
Jozef Brandt
1841 - 1915
Otto Modersohn (1865 - 1943)
Otto Modersohn
1865 - 1943
Kurt Meyer-Eberhardt (1895 - 1977)
Kurt Meyer-Eberhardt
1895 - 1977
Deodato Guinaccia (1510 - 1585)
Deodato Guinaccia
1510 - 1585
Terence Tenison Cuneo (1907 - 1996)
Terence Tenison Cuneo
1907 - 1996
Amédée Ernest Lynen (1852 - 1938)
Amédée Ernest Lynen
1852 - 1938
Pio Joris (1843 - 1921)
Pio Joris
1843 - 1921
Fritz Discher (1880 - 1983)
Fritz Discher
1880 - 1983
Gevork Vartanovich Kotyants (1909 - 1996)
Gevork Vartanovich Kotyants
1909 - 1996
Napoleon Illakovich (1811 - 1861)
Napoleon Illakovich
1811 - 1861
Edmond Paul Marie Verstraeten (1870 - 1956)
Edmond Paul Marie Verstraeten
1870 - 1956
Louis Aimé Japy (1839 - 1916)
Louis Aimé Japy
1839 - 1916
Aleksandr Vachrameev (1874 - 1926)
Aleksandr Vachrameev
1874 - 1926
Emile-Auguste Hublin (1830 - 1891)
Emile-Auguste Hublin
1830 - 1891
Pero Poček (1878 - 1963)
Pero Poček
1878 - 1963