Martine Seibert-Raken (1965) - photo 1

Martine Seibert-Raken

Martine Seibert-Raken is a German artist and conceptual sculptor.

She works with wall objects, drawings, sculptures, and has become known for creating a unique structure of thin wire mesh, elusive as a cumulus cloud. This dense cloud of hexagonal wire mesh, landing in the green or floating in the air, also fascinates viewers because its surface is constantly changing due to the reflection of light. Martine Seibert-Raken's most successful works are installations in gardens, on rooftops or in urban settings, where they come into close contact with light - day and night.

Date and place of birt:1965, Lüneburg, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Art style:Conceptual art, Contemporary art
MARTINE SEIBERT 'IMPULSGEBER II' (2018) - Auction prices

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Creators Germany

Josef Friedrich Limmer (1892 - 1967)
Josef Friedrich Limmer
1892 - 1967
Otto Herbig (1889 - 1971)
Otto Herbig
1889 - 1971
Georg Kolbe (1877 - 1947)
Georg Kolbe
1877 - 1947
Gerold Miller (1961)
Gerold Miller
Christa Näher (1947)
Christa Näher
Bernhard Rode (1725 - 1797)
Bernhard Rode
1725 - 1797
Christian Rohlfs (1849 - 1938)
Christian Rohlfs
1849 - 1938
Dolf Rieser (1898 - 1983)
Dolf Rieser
1898 - 1983
Richard Linderum (1851 - 1926)
Richard Linderum
1851 - 1926
Alexander Schonauer (1871 - 1955)
Alexander Schonauer
1871 - 1955
Carl Rodeck (1841 - 1909)
Carl Rodeck
1841 - 1909
Wouter Knijff (1605 - 1694)
Wouter Knijff
1605 - 1694
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794 - 1872)
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
1794 - 1872
Willy Reetz (1892 - 1963)
Willy Reetz
1892 - 1963
Wilhelm Carl Melchior Simmler (1840 - 1923)
Wilhelm Carl Melchior Simmler
1840 - 1923
Richard Haizmann (1895 - 1963)
Richard Haizmann
1895 - 1963

Creators Conceptual art

Pol Bury (1922 - 2005)
Pol Bury
1922 - 2005
Eberhard Viegener (1890 - 1967)
Eberhard Viegener
1890 - 1967
Bruce Nauman (1941)
Bruce Nauman
Rudolf Werner Ackermann (1908 - 1982)
Rudolf Werner Ackermann
1908 - 1982
George Dureau (1930 - 2014)
George Dureau
1930 - 2014
Ulf Petermann (1950)
Ulf Petermann
Kai Kristiansen (1929)
Kai Kristiansen
Frederick George Roth (1872 - 1944)
Frederick George Roth
1872 - 1944
Aurelio De Felice (1915 - 1996)
Aurelio De Felice
1915 - 1996
Fons Haagmans (1948)
Fons Haagmans
Armand Lourenco (1925 - 2003)
Armand Lourenco
1925 - 2003
Frank Darius (1963)
Frank Darius
Alois Mosbacher (1953)
Alois Mosbacher
Zhou Chunya (1955)
Zhou Chunya
Marlene Dumas (1953)
Marlene Dumas
Lygia Clark (1920 - 1988)
Lygia Clark
1920 - 1988