Orlando di Lasso (1532 - 1594)

Orlando di Lasso (1532 - 1594) - photo 1

Orlando di Lasso

Orlando di Lasso (French: Roland de Lassus, Latin: Orlandus Lassus) was a Franco-Flemish composer and Kapellmeister of the late Renaissance.

In his youth Orlando had a good voice and sang in a choir, traveled in Italy and eventually began composing music himself. In 1563, Lasso was appointed Kapellmeister at the court of Duke Albrecht V and made his chapel professional, and his work earned Munich a reputation as one of the musical centers of Europe. Lasso also taught music and lived mainly in Bavaria.

Lasso was highly gifted, and is considered one of the most versatile and prolific composers in the history of music. He wrote some 1,350 (mostly vocal) compositions in all genres and forms contemporary to his time, of which some 1,200 were published during his lifetime. Lasso was a master of sacred music, but was equally adept at secular composition, spanning Italian, French, and German genres.

Date and place of birt:1532, Mons, Belgium
Date and place of death:14 june 1594, Munich, Germany
Period of activity: XVI century
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:Renaissance

Creators Renaissance

Daniel Hopfer I (1470 - 1536)
Daniel Hopfer I
1470 - 1536
Francesco Di Giorgio Martini (1439 - 1502)
Francesco Di Giorgio Martini
1439 - 1502
Boccardino il Vecchio (1460 - 1529)
Boccardino il Vecchio
1460 - 1529
Gregorio Fernández (1576 - 1636)
Gregorio Fernández
1576 - 1636
Antonio Catalano (1560 - 1630)
Antonio Catalano
1560 - 1630
Peter Paul Rubens (1577 - 1640)
Peter Paul Rubens
1577 - 1640
Lorenzo Lotto (1480 - 1556)
Lorenzo Lotto
1480 - 1556
Hans Brosamer (1495 - 1554)
Hans Brosamer
1495 - 1554
Raffaello Santi (1483 - 1520)
Raffaello Santi
1483 - 1520
Wolf Huber (1485 - 1553)
Wolf Huber
1485 - 1553
Giulio Romano (1499 - 1546)
Giulio Romano
1499 - 1546
Juan Flandes (1460 - 1519)
Juan Flandes
1460 - 1519
Francesco Brambilla II (1530 - 1599)
Francesco Brambilla II
1530 - 1599
Giovanni Battista Franco (1510 - 1561)
Giovanni Battista Franco
1510 - 1561
Francesco Naselli (1560 - 1630)
Francesco Naselli
1560 - 1630
Girolamo Romanino (1485 - 1566)
Girolamo Romanino
1485 - 1566