Philip-Lorca diCorcia (1951) - photo 1

Philip-Lorca diCorcia

Philip-Lorca diCorcia is an American photographer and artist. He is known for his staged and cinematic photographs that often blur the line between reality and fiction.

DiCorcia's work is characterized by his use of elaborate sets and lighting, which he uses to create images that are both beautiful and unsettling. Many of his photographs feature everyday people in staged settings, and he often uses strangers as his subjects, adding to the sense of mystery and voyeurism in his work.

DiCorcia has been the recipient of numerous awards and his work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. He has also been commissioned to create photographs for a wide range of clients, including fashion magazines and advertising campaigns.

DiCorcia's legacy as an artist and photographer continues to influence new generations of artists. His innovative techniques and approach to photography have helped to redefine the medium and have had a significant impact on contemporary art and culture.

Date and place of birt:1951, Hartford, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Photographer, Portraitist
Art school / group:Бостонская школа фотографии
Genre:Documentary photography, Genre art, Portrait, Портретная фотография
Art style:Contemporary art

Creators USA

Edward Chalmers Leavitt (1842 - 1904)
Edward Chalmers Leavitt
1842 - 1904
Joe Bradley (1975)
Joe Bradley
Roe Ethridge (1969)
Roe Ethridge
Joseph Whiting Stock (1815 - 1855)
Joseph Whiting Stock
1815 - 1855
Douglas Gorsline (1913 - 1985)
Douglas Gorsline
1913 - 1985
Hugo Robus (1885 - 1964)
Hugo Robus
1885 - 1964
Samuel Colman (1832 - 1920)
Samuel Colman
1832 - 1920
 Retna (1979)
Gerome Kamrowski (1914 - 2004)
Gerome Kamrowski
1914 - 2004
Kurt Ard (1925)
Kurt Ard
Liam Gillick (1964)
Liam Gillick
Richard Mawdsley (1945)
Richard Mawdsley
Gabriel Laderman (1929 - 2011)
Gabriel Laderman
1929 - 2011
Saint Clair Cemin (1951)
Saint Clair Cemin
Vincent Stiepevich (1841 - 1910)
Vincent Stiepevich
1841 - 1910
Truman Howe Bartlett (1835 - 1922)
Truman Howe Bartlett
1835 - 1922

Creators Contemporary art

Jenna Gribbon (1978)
Jenna Gribbon
Alfred Auguste Janniot (1889 - 1969)
Alfred Auguste Janniot
1889 - 1969
Eduard Wiiralt (Viiralt) (1898 - 1954)
Eduard Wiiralt (Viiralt)
1898 - 1954
Friedrich Kurt Fiedler (1894 - 1950)
Friedrich Kurt Fiedler
1894 - 1950
Manuel Rendón Seminario (1894 - 1982)
Manuel Rendón Seminario
1894 - 1982
Corrado Cagli (1910 - 1976)
Corrado Cagli
1910 - 1976
Peter Alexander (1939 - 2020)
Peter Alexander
1939 - 2020
Lourdes Castro (1930 - 2022)
Lourdes Castro
1930 - 2022
Yanagi Sōri (1915 - 2011)
Yanagi Sōri
1915 - 2011
Bernd and Hilla Becher ()
Bernd and Hilla Becher
Wolfgang Flatz (1952)
Wolfgang Flatz
Hermann Gruber (1938)
Hermann Gruber
 Takis (1925 - 2019)
1925 - 2019
Werner Pfeiffer (1937)
Werner Pfeiffer
Arthur Elgort (1940)
Arthur Elgort
Sandy Skoglund (1946)
Sandy Skoglund