Pierre Huyghe (1962) - photo 1

Pierre Huyghe

Pierre Huyghe is a French artist born on September 11, 1962, in Paris, France. He is known for his interdisciplinary works that combine various media such as film, sculpture, performance, and installation. Huyghe's works often explore complex ideas around time, memory, perception, and human consciousness.

Huyghe studied at the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris before beginning his career as an artist in the late 1980s. Since then, he has exhibited his works in numerous solo and group shows around the world, including at major institutions such as the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Tate Modern in London, and the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

Some of Huyghe's most notable works include "The Host and the Cloud," a multimedia installation that took place over a period of three years at the Marian Goodman Gallery in New York, and "Untilled," a sculpture of a reclining figure with a living beehive for a head, which was displayed at the Documenta 13 exhibition in Kassel, Germany. In 2017, Huyghe was awarded the Nasher Prize for Sculpture, which recognized his contributions to the field of contemporary art.

Date and place of birt:11 september 1962, Paris, France
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Media artist, Sculptor
Art style:Conceptual art, Contemporary art

Creators France

Gérard Deschamps (1937)
Gérard Deschamps
Roger Parry (1905 - 1977)
Roger Parry
1905 - 1977
Marcel Duchamp (1887 - 1968)
Marcel Duchamp
1887 - 1968
François Rabelais (1494 - 1553)
François Rabelais
1494 - 1553
Helmut Kolle (1899 - 1931)
Helmut Kolle
1899 - 1931
Eduard Wiiralt (Viiralt) (1898 - 1954)
Eduard Wiiralt (Viiralt)
1898 - 1954
André Vincent Becquerel (1893 - 1981)
André Vincent Becquerel
1893 - 1981
Louis- Auguste Lapito (1803 - 1874)
Louis- Auguste Lapito
1803 - 1874
Abel-Dominique Boyé (1864 - 1933)
Abel-Dominique Boyé
1864 - 1933
Władysław Podkowiński (1866 - 1895)
Władysław Podkowiński
1866 - 1895
Émile-Coriolan Hippolyte Guillemin (1841 - 1907)
Émile-Coriolan Hippolyte Guillemin
1841 - 1907
Adrien Manglard (1695 - 1760)
Adrien Manglard
1695 - 1760
Olivier Debré (1920 - 1999)
Olivier Debré
1920 - 1999
Oscar-Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)
Oscar-Claude Monet
1840 - 1926
André Beaurepaire (1924 - 2012)
André Beaurepaire
1924 - 2012
Louis-Richard-François Dupont (1734 - 1765)
Louis-Richard-François Dupont
1734 - 1765

Creators Conceptual art

Judy Rifka (1945)
Judy Rifka
Herbert Achternbusch (1938)
Herbert Achternbusch
Erich Schurr (1906 - 1989)
Erich Schurr
1906 - 1989
Fiona Tan (1966)
Fiona Tan
Ernesto Neto (1964)
Ernesto Neto
Larry Zox (1937 - 2006)
Larry Zox
1937 - 2006
Mario Schifano (1934 - 1998)
Mario Schifano
1934 - 1998
Boris Yakovlevich Maluev (1929 - 1990)
Boris Yakovlevich Maluev
1929 - 1990
Tomoko Nagai (1982)
Tomoko Nagai
Terry Avon Redlin (1937 - 2016)
Terry Avon Redlin
1937 - 2016
Jon Burgerman (1979)
Jon Burgerman
Andreas Feininger (1906 - 1999)
Andreas Feininger
1906 - 1999
Keith Haring (1958 - 1990)
Keith Haring
1958 - 1990
Bill Culbert (1935 - 2019)
Bill Culbert
1935 - 2019
Nathan Oliveira (1928 - 2010)
Nathan Oliveira
1928 - 2010
Fedor Stepanovich Pustovoitov (1912 - 1989)
Fedor Stepanovich Pustovoitov
1912 - 1989