Pierre Van Huffel (1769 - 1844)

Pierre Van Huffel (1769 - 1844) - photo 1

Pierre Van Huffel

Pieter Van Huffel was a Belgian portrait and history painter and industrialist. He received his first drawing training from his uncle Pierre Canivé, a painter and restorer in his hometown. Courses at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent followed. Here he already won first prizes in 1786 and 1788. After his student years Pieter Van Huffel settled in Ghent. In 1796 he was first represented at the Ghent Salon with two religious works. After that he regularly exhibited there until 1832. In 1805 he was appointed artistic director and in 1814 professor at the Academy in Ghent. In 1811 he was appointed permanent president of the Société des Arts in Ghent, which he had founded with other artists in 1808. Pieter Van Huffel's oeuvre consisted mainly of portraits and historical motifs; he also produced several Christian religious works for various churches in Ghent.

Date and place of birt:17 august 1769, Geraardsbergen, Belgium
Date and place of death:12 august 1844, Gent, Belgium
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Historian, Painter, Portraitist
Genre:History painting, Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:Realism
Technique:Oil, Oil on canvas

Creators Belgium

Nicolas Eekman (1889 - 1973)
Nicolas Eekman
1889 - 1973
Florent Willems (1823 - 1905)
Florent Willems
1823 - 1905
Adrien Jean Le Mayeur de Merprès (1880 - 1958)
Adrien Jean Le Mayeur de Merprès
1880 - 1958
Petrus Johannes van Regemorter (1755 - 1830)
Petrus Johannes van Regemorter
1755 - 1830
Alfred Jean Andre Cluysenaar (1837 - 1902)
Alfred Jean Andre Cluysenaar
1837 - 1902
Émile Pierre Joseph de Cauwer (1827 - 1873)
Émile Pierre Joseph de Cauwer
1827 - 1873
Jan van der Straet (1523 - 1605)
Jan van der Straet
1523 - 1605
Petrus Christus (1410 - 1475)
Petrus Christus
1410 - 1475
David de Noter (1818 - 1892)
David de Noter
1818 - 1892
Thomas Quellinus (1661 - 1709)
Thomas Quellinus
1661 - 1709
Sophie Rude (1797 - 1867)
Sophie Rude
1797 - 1867
Franciscus van der Steen (1615 - 1672)
Franciscus van der Steen
1615 - 1672
Frans Keelhoff (1820 - 1891)
Frans Keelhoff
1820 - 1891
Jean-Joseph Delvin (1853 - 1922)
Jean-Joseph Delvin
1853 - 1922
Peeter Gijsels (1621 - 1690)
Peeter Gijsels
1621 - 1690
Hendrik Frans van Lint (1684 - 1763)
Hendrik Frans van Lint
1684 - 1763

Creators Realism

Georges Lallemand (1575 - 1636)
Georges Lallemand
1575 - 1636
Émile Jourdan (1860 - 1931)
Émile Jourdan
1860 - 1931
Olga Borisovna Bogayevskaya (1915 - 2000)
Olga Borisovna Bogayevskaya
1915 - 2000
Paul Emil Rumpf (1860 - 1948)
Paul Emil Rumpf
1860 - 1948
Paul Hagemans (1884 - 1959)
Paul Hagemans
1884 - 1959
Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791 - 1872)
Samuel Finley Breese Morse
1791 - 1872
Charles-Emile Jacque (1813 - 1894)
Charles-Emile Jacque
1813 - 1894
Ernest Gaston Marché (1864 - 1932)
Ernest Gaston Marché
1864 - 1932
Paul Köster (1855 - 1931)
Paul Köster
1855 - 1931
Gillis Smak Gregoor (1770 - 1843)
Gillis Smak Gregoor
1770 - 1843
Montague Dawson (1895 - 1973)
Montague Dawson
1895 - 1973
Tommaso Aloisio Juvara (1809 - 1875)
Tommaso Aloisio Juvara
1809 - 1875
Rafail Sergeevich Levitsky (1847 - 1940)
Rafail Sergeevich Levitsky
1847 - 1940
Alajos Strobl (1856 - 1926)
Alajos Strobl
1856 - 1926
Carl August Liner (1871 - 1946)
Carl August Liner
1871 - 1946
Hedwig Edle von Malheim Friedlaender (1863 - 1945)
Hedwig Edle von Malheim Friedlaender
1863 - 1945