Théodore Baron (1840 - 1899) - photo 1

Théodore Baron

Théodore Baron was a Belgian landscape painter in the Realistic style. He was initially trained in the Academic style. By 1860, he was already working at the artists' colony in Genk, making him a member of the Genkse School. In 1863, together with Louis Artan, he explored the wooded areas around Brussels and came into contact with artists painting en plein aire. During that time, he developed a predilection for creating more realistic landscapes than those he had studied. From 1865 to 1868, he lived in Kalmthout and focused on painting the typically desolate landscapes found in the Campine region. There, he met a group of like-minded artists. He returned to Brussels in 1868, and renewed his ties with the artists in Tervuren, thereby creating a link between the Kalmhoutse and the School van Tervuren. In 1882, he became a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Namur.


Date and place of birt:19 august 1840, Elsene, Belgium
Date and place of death:4 september 1899, Saint-Servais, Belgium
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Genkse School, School van Tervuren
Genre:Genre art, Landscape painting, Mountain landscape, Rural landscape
Art style:Academism, Realism
Technique:Oil, Oil on canvas, Oil on panel

Creators Belgium

Polydore Beaufaux (1829 - 1905)
Polydore Beaufaux
1829 - 1905
Adriaen Isenbrant (1490 - 1551)
Adriaen Isenbrant
1490 - 1551
Jacques de Lalaing (1858 - 1917)
Jacques de Lalaing
1858 - 1917
Floris Jespers (1889 - 1965)
Floris Jespers
1889 - 1965
Antoine Brice (1752 - 1817)
Antoine Brice
1752 - 1817
Edouard de Jans (1855 - 1919)
Edouard de Jans
1855 - 1919
Michel Marie Charles Verlat (1824 - 1890)
Michel Marie Charles Verlat
1824 - 1890
Valerius de Sadeler (1867 - 1941)
Valerius de Sadeler
1867 - 1941
Marcel Louis Baugniet (1896 - 1995)
Marcel Louis Baugniet
1896 - 1995
Daniel Seghers (1590 - 1661)
Daniel Seghers
1590 - 1661
Michel Seuphor (1901 - 1999)
Michel Seuphor
1901 - 1999
Jean Baptiste de Jonghe (1785 - 1844)
Jean Baptiste de Jonghe
1785 - 1844
Mathys Schoevaerdts (1665 - 1703)
Mathys Schoevaerdts
1665 - 1703
Henry van de Velde (1863 - 1957)
Henry van de Velde
1863 - 1957
Pieter van Bredael (1629 - 1719)
Pieter van Bredael
1629 - 1719
James Thiriar (1889 - 1965)
James Thiriar
1889 - 1965

Creators Academism

Alexander Schwabe (1824 - 1872)
Alexander Schwabe
1824 - 1872
Benoît-Charles Mitoire (1782 - 1832)
Benoît-Charles Mitoire
1782 - 1832
Sepp Sedlmaier (XIX century - XX century)
Sepp Sedlmaier
XIX century - XX century
Alessandro Milesi (1856 - 1945)
Alessandro Milesi
1856 - 1945
Franz Doll (1899 - 1982)
Franz Doll
1899 - 1982
Heinrich Georg Brandes (1803 - 1868)
Heinrich Georg Brandes
1803 - 1868
Bernhard Rode (1725 - 1797)
Bernhard Rode
1725 - 1797
Mary Renard (1849 - 1925)
Mary Renard
1849 - 1925
Toby Edward Rosenthal (1848 - 1917)
Toby Edward Rosenthal
1848 - 1917
Robert Schultze (1828 - 1910)
Robert Schultze
1828 - 1910
William Redgrave (1903 - 1986)
William Redgrave
1903 - 1986
Walter Dendy Sadler (1854 - 1923)
Walter Dendy Sadler
1854 - 1923
Carlo Raimondi (1809 - 1883)
Carlo Raimondi
1809 - 1883
Ilya Jefimovitsch Repin (1844 - 1930)
Ilya Jefimovitsch Repin
1844 - 1930
Audrey L. Flack (1931)
Audrey L. Flack
Nikolai Alexandrovich Sergeev (1855 - 1919)
Nikolai Alexandrovich Sergeev
1855 - 1919