Evarist Adam Weber (1887 - 1968)

Evarist Adam Weber (1887 - 1968) - photo 1

Evarist Adam Weber

Evarist Adam Weber was a German painter, graphic artist, illustrator and craftsman.

After studying at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, Weber began his career with Impressionist landscape paintings influenced by Cézanne. Later he turned to Expressionism and created numerous series of woodcuts, which he exhibited as a member of the Young Rhineland and at exhibitions in Bavaria and Austria. In the 1920s, Evarist Adam Weber's graphic works, drawings and paintings increasingly combined Expressionist forms with New Objectivism motifs. He was a passionate motorcyclist and produced many paintings and graphic works on the theme of motorcycling.

In addition to painting and graphics, Weber was also active as a craftsman. In 1931, together with his second wife, Gertraud Heubach (1895-1962), he founded the art and craft workshops Weber-Heubach. Thereafter, they regularly participated in Leipzig's famous Grassi fairs, presenting leather and textile products, jewelry and carved glass.

Evarist Adam Weber belongs to the so-called lost generation of artists rediscovered in the 21st century.

Date and place of birt:27 november 1887, Aachen, Germany
Date and place of death:25 november 1968, Dießen am Ammersee, Germany
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Graphic artist, Illustrator, Painter
Art school / group:Young Rhineland
Genre:Genre art, Landscape painting, Nude art
Art style:Expressionism, Impressionism, New Objectivity
Weber, Evarist Adam - Auction prices

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