Ferdinand Staeger (1880 - 1976)

Ferdinand Staeger (1880 - 1976) - photo 1

Ferdinand Staeger

Ferdinand Staeger was a Czech-born German symbolist painter and graphic artist, illustrator and fabric designer.

Staeger studied at the School of Technical Design in Brno and then the School of Applied Arts in Prague, from 1908 he lived in Munich and collaborated with the magazine Jugend. He was a participant in the First World War, his war drawings are characterized by humanity. After the war he illustrated books by Gerhard Hauptmann, Josef von Eichendorff, Eduard Mörike and Adalbert Stifter with great success.

During the Third Reich, Staeger collaborated with the authorities by painting several propaganda pictures, for which he was awarded the title of professor. In 1943 he lost his home in Munich to Allied bombs and many works were lost.

After World War II, he painted in an impressionist style, creating paintings of mythical, mystical, symbolic and religious themes. Many works belong to the genre of "magic realism". Staeger is also known as a tapestry designer, master of etching and ex-libris, and was a member of the Association of German Artists. His wife Sidonie Springer (1878-1937) was also a painter and graphic artist.

Date and place of birt:3 march 1880, Třebíč, Czech Republic
Date and place of death:11 september 1976, Waldkraiburg, Germany
Nationality:Germany, Czech Republic
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Designer, Engraver, Graphic artist, Illustrator, Painter
Genre:Fabulous epic genre, Genre art, Landscape painting, Mythological painting
Art style:Magic realism, Modern art, Surrealism, Symbolism

Creators Germany

August Agatz (1904 - 1945)
August Agatz
1904 - 1945
Carl August Sommer (1829 - 1894)
Carl August Sommer
1829 - 1894
Fred Rolf (1940)
Fred Rolf
Adolf Amberg (1874 - 1913)
Adolf Amberg
1874 - 1913
Johann Joseph Christian (1706 - 1777)
Johann Joseph Christian
1706 - 1777
Ernst Jordan (1858 - 1924)
Ernst Jordan
1858 - 1924
Willi Sitte (1921 - 2013)
Willi Sitte
1921 - 2013
Julius Simmonds (1843 - 1924)
Julius Simmonds
1843 - 1924
Gretchen Wohlwill (1878 - 1962)
Gretchen Wohlwill
1878 - 1962
Johann Melchior Kambly (1718 - 1783)
Johann Melchior Kambly
1718 - 1783
Anton Hoffmann (1863 - 1938)
Anton Hoffmann
1863 - 1938
Ernst Penzoldt (1892 - 1955)
Ernst Penzoldt
1892 - 1955
Max Ernst (1891 - 1976)
Max Ernst
1891 - 1976
Georg Karl Koch (1857 - 1927)
Georg Karl Koch
1857 - 1927
Katharina Grosse (1961)
Katharina Grosse
Otto von Faber du Faur (1828 - 1901)
Otto von Faber du Faur
1828 - 1901

Creators Magic realism

Jim Nutt (1938)
Jim Nutt
Wilhelm Bittorf (1904 - 1951)
Wilhelm Bittorf
1904 - 1951
Constant Montald (1862 - 1944)
Constant Montald
1862 - 1944
William H. Bailey (1930 - 2020)
William H. Bailey
1930 - 2020
Pegi Nicol MacLeod (1904 - 1949)
Pegi Nicol MacLeod
1904 - 1949
Lev Alexandrovich Schultz (1897 - 1970)
Lev Alexandrovich Schultz
1897 - 1970
Simon Lissim (1900 - 1981)
Simon Lissim
1900 - 1981
Manuel Rodríguez Lozano (1896 - 1971)
Manuel Rodríguez Lozano
1896 - 1971
Hélène de Beauvoir (1910 - 2001)
Hélène de Beauvoir
1910 - 2001
Modesto Faustini (1839 - 1891)
Modesto Faustini
1839 - 1891
Andrew Wyeth (1917 - 2009)
Andrew Wyeth
1917 - 2009
Siegfried Mackowsky (1878 - 1941)
Siegfried Mackowsky
1878 - 1941
George Nakashima (1905 - 1990)
George Nakashima
1905 - 1990
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen (1909 - 1957)
Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen
1909 - 1957
Caspar David Friedrich (1774 - 1840)
Caspar David Friedrich
1774 - 1840
Bikash Bhatacharjee (1940 - 2006)
Bikash Bhatacharjee
1940 - 2006