Franz Erhard Walther (1939) - photo 1

Franz Erhard Walther

Franz Erhard Walther is a German artist (sculptor, conceptual, installation and process artist).

Date and place of birt:22 july 1939, Fulda, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Art style:Conceptual art, Contemporary art, Neo-Dada, Postminimalism
Franz Erhard Walther. Proportionen und Zeit - Now at the auction

Now at the auction Franz Erhard Walther

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Creators Germany

Herman Ployer (1863 - 1911)
Herman Ployer
1863 - 1911
Johann Gottfried Tannauer (1680 - 1737)
Johann Gottfried Tannauer
1680 - 1737
Remigius Netzer (1916 - 1985)
Remigius Netzer
1916 - 1985
Claudius Schraudolph (1813 - 1891)
Claudius Schraudolph
1813 - 1891
Konrad Cramer (1888 - 1963)
Konrad Cramer
1888 - 1963
Karl Walther (1905 - 1981)
Karl Walther
1905 - 1981
Arthur von Ramberg (1819 - 1875)
Arthur von Ramberg
1819 - 1875
Paul Pützhofen-Hambüchen (1879 - 1939)
Paul Pützhofen-Hambüchen
1879 - 1939
Ulrich Reimkasten (1953)
Ulrich Reimkasten
Heinrich Wettig (1875 - 1938)
Heinrich Wettig
1875 - 1938
Carl Wilhelm Hugo Schnars-Alquist (1855 - 1939)
Carl Wilhelm Hugo Schnars-Alquist
1855 - 1939
Hans Mielich (1516 - 1573)
Hans Mielich
1516 - 1573
Karl Hugo Schmölz (1917 - 1986)
Karl Hugo Schmölz
1917 - 1986
Ernst Albert Fischer-Cörlin (1853 - 1932)
Ernst Albert Fischer-Cörlin
1853 - 1932
Rudolf Kurz (1952)
Rudolf Kurz
Reiner Ruthenbeck (1937 - 2016)
Reiner Ruthenbeck
1937 - 2016

Creators Conceptual art

Marc Adrian (1930 - 2008)
Marc Adrian
1930 - 2008
Gretchen Albrecht (1943)
Gretchen Albrecht
Mario Morel Agostinelli (1915 - 2000)
Mario Morel Agostinelli
1915 - 2000
Richard Oelze (1900 - 1980)
Richard Oelze
1900 - 1980
Remigius Netzer (1916 - 1985)
Remigius Netzer
1916 - 1985
Elena Aleksandrovna Kamolova (1918 - 2020)
Elena Aleksandrovna Kamolova
1918 - 2020
Endre Domanovszky (1907 - 1975)
Endre Domanovszky
1907 - 1975
Ralph Ward Stackpole (1885 - 1973)
Ralph Ward Stackpole
1885 - 1973
Lucia Balzukevich (1887 - 1976)
Lucia Balzukevich
1887 - 1976
Hsiao Chin (1935 - 2023)
Hsiao Chin
1935 - 2023
Wang Shugang (1960)
Wang Shugang
František Štorek (1933 - 1999)
František Štorek
1933 - 1999
Robert Klippel (1920 - 2001)
Robert Klippel
1920 - 2001
Mariann Grunder (1926 - 2016)
Mariann Grunder
1926 - 2016
Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin (1859 - 1937)
Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin
1859 - 1937
Leonid Berman (1896 - 1976)
Leonid Berman
1896 - 1976