Henry Benbridge (1743 - 1812) - photo 1

Henry Benbridge

Date and place of birt:October 1743, Philadelphia, USA
Date and place of death:February 1812, Philadelphia, USA
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Genre painter, Painter, Portraitist
Art style:Neoclassicism

Creators USA

Grant Wood (1891 - 1942)
Grant Wood
1891 - 1942
Tony Marsh (1954)
Tony Marsh
Meyer Vaisman (1960)
Meyer Vaisman
Hannes Beckmann (1909 - 1977)
Hannes Beckmann
1909 - 1977
Genesis Tramaine (1983)
Genesis Tramaine
Matthew Pratt (1734 - 1805)
Matthew Pratt
1734 - 1805
William Bradford (1823 - 1892)
William Bradford
1823 - 1892
Karin Davie (1965)
Karin Davie
Charles Henry Granger (1812 - 1893)
Charles Henry Granger
1812 - 1893
Mon Levinson (1926 - 2014)
Mon Levinson
1926 - 2014
Osvaldo Romberg (1938 - 2019)
Osvaldo Romberg
1938 - 2019
Avery Singer (1987)
Avery Singer
Maxfield Parrish (1870 - 1966)
Maxfield Parrish
1870 - 1966
George Condo (1957)
George Condo
Raphaelle Peale (1774 - 1825)
Raphaelle Peale
1774 - 1825
Charles Webster Hawthorne (1872 - 1930)
Charles Webster Hawthorne
1872 - 1930

Creators Neoclassicism

Philipp von Foltz (1805 - 1877)
Philipp von Foltz
1805 - 1877
Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755 - 1830)
Nicolas-Antoine Taunay
1755 - 1830
Pierre-Philippe Thomire (1751 - 1843)
Pierre-Philippe Thomire
1751 - 1843
August Kloeber (1793 - 1864)
August Kloeber
1793 - 1864
Robert Ball Hughes (1804 - 1868)
Robert Ball Hughes
1804 - 1868
Abel de Pujol (1785 - 1861)
Abel de Pujol
1785 - 1861
Gheorghe Tattarescu (1818 - 1894)
Gheorghe Tattarescu
1818 - 1894
Jean-Baptiste-Claude Odiot (1763 - 1850)
Jean-Baptiste-Claude Odiot
1763 - 1850
Benjamin West (1738 - 1820)
Benjamin West
1738 - 1820
Natale Schiavoni (1777 - 1858)
Natale Schiavoni
1777 - 1858
Paolo Buffa (1903 - 1970)
Paolo Buffa
1903 - 1970
Hippolyte Lebas (1782 - 1867)
Hippolyte Lebas
1782 - 1867
Piat Joseph Sauvage (1744 - 1818)
Piat Joseph Sauvage
1744 - 1818
Per Krafft (1724 - 1793)
Per Krafft
1724 - 1793
Peter Rittig (1789 - 1840)
Peter Rittig
1789 - 1840
Pierre-Paul Prud’hon (1758 - 1823)
Pierre-Paul Prud’hon
1758 - 1823