Ignaz Bendl (1680 - 1730) - photo 1

Ignaz Bendl

Date and place of birt:1680, Czech Republic
Date and place of death:1730, Vienna, Austria
Nationality:Austria, Czech Republic
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver, Medalist, Sculptor
Art style:Baroque, Rococo

Creators Austria

Josef Kinzel (1852 - 1925)
Josef Kinzel
1852 - 1925
Ludwig Koch (1866 - 1934)
Ludwig Koch
1866 - 1934
Gerard Bouttats (1630 - 1668)
Gerard Bouttats
1630 - 1668
Anton Filkuka (1888 - 1957)
Anton Filkuka
1888 - 1957
Christian Ruben (1805 - 1875)
Christian Ruben
1805 - 1875
Paul Strudel (1648 - 1708)
Paul Strudel
1648 - 1708
Friedrich Philipp Reinhold (1779 - 1840)
Friedrich Philipp Reinhold
1779 - 1840
Tone Fink (1944)
Tone Fink
Marianne Stokes (1855 - 1927)
Marianne Stokes
1855 - 1927
Antony Lange (1779 - 1844)
Antony Lange
1779 - 1844
Joseph Sebastian Oberbauer (1853 - 1926)
Joseph Sebastian Oberbauer
1853 - 1926
Károly Ferenczy (1862 - 1917)
Károly Ferenczy
1862 - 1917
Joseph Edgar Boehm (1834 - 1890)
Joseph Edgar Boehm
1834 - 1890
Ferdinand Lepié (1824 - 1883)
Ferdinand Lepié
1824 - 1883
Emil Jakob Schindler (1842 - 1892)
Emil Jakob Schindler
1842 - 1892
Egon Schiele (1890 - 1918)
Egon Schiele
1890 - 1918

Creators Baroque

Gottfried Eichler I (1677 - 1759)
Gottfried Eichler I
1677 - 1759
Nicolas Bertin (1667 - 1736)
Nicolas Bertin
1667 - 1736
François Dumont (1751 - 1831)
François Dumont
1751 - 1831
Robert Édouard Pitot (1778 - 1860)
Robert Édouard Pitot
1778 - 1860
Francesca Vicenzina (1657 - 1700)
Francesca Vicenzina
1657 - 1700
Gerhard Ludvig Lahde (1765 - 1833)
Gerhard Ludvig Lahde
1765 - 1833
Paul Revere (1735 - 1818)
Paul Revere
1735 - 1818
John Godefroy (1771 - 1839)
John Godefroy
1771 - 1839
Francesco Fernandi (1679 - 1740)
Francesco Fernandi
1679 - 1740
Johann König (1586 - 1642)
Johann König
1586 - 1642
Louis Carrogis Carmontelle (1717 - 1806)
Louis Carrogis Carmontelle
1717 - 1806
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (Roslin) (1734 - 1772)
Marie-Suzanne Giroust (Roslin)
1734 - 1772
Hubert Robert (1733 - 1808)
Hubert Robert
1733 - 1808
Valentin de Boulogne (1591 - 1632)
Valentin de Boulogne
1591 - 1632
Faustino Bocchi (1659 - 1741)
Faustino Bocchi
1659 - 1741
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (1609 - 1664)
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
1609 - 1664