John William Inchbold (1830 - 1888)

John William Inchbold (1830 - 1888) - photo 1

John William Inchbold

John William Inchbold was an English painter who was born in Leeds, Yorkshire. His style was influenced by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.


Date and place of birt:29 august 1830, Leeds, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:23 january 1888, Leeds, United Kingdom
Nationality:United Kingdom
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Pre-Raphaelites
Genre:Landscape painting
Art style:Romanticism

Creators United Kingdom

David Roberts (1796 - 1864)
David Roberts
1796 - 1864
Richard Long (1945)
Richard Long
Thomas Kitchin (1718 - 1784)
Thomas Kitchin
1718 - 1784
John Craxton (1922 - 2009)
John Craxton
1922 - 2009
Charles Haslewood Shannon (1863 - 1937)
Charles Haslewood Shannon
1863 - 1937
Thomas Patch (1725 - 1782)
Thomas Patch
1725 - 1782
Iain Baxter (1936)
Iain Baxter
Kate Malone (1959)
Kate Malone
Julian Stair (1955)
Julian Stair
Edward Seago (1910 - 1974)
Edward Seago
1910 - 1974
Henry Scott Tuke (1858 - 1929)
Henry Scott Tuke
1858 - 1929
Arthur Boyd Houghton Houghton (1836 - 1874)
Arthur Boyd Houghton Houghton
1836 - 1874
Ervin Bossányi (1891 - 1975)
Ervin Bossányi
1891 - 1975
Harold Cohen (1928 - 2016)
Harold Cohen
1928 - 2016
David Cox (1783 - 1859)
David Cox
1783 - 1859
Thomas Luny (1759 - 1837)
Thomas Luny
1759 - 1837

Creators Romanticism

William Hill Brown (1765 - 1793)
William Hill Brown
1765 - 1793
Fritz Bamberger (1814 - 1873)
Fritz Bamberger
1814 - 1873
Caroline von der Embde (1812 - 1867)
Caroline von der Embde
1812 - 1867
Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949)
Richard Strauss
1864 - 1949
Eugenio Gignous (1850 - 1906)
Eugenio Gignous
1850 - 1906
François-Gabriel Lépaulle (1804 - 1886)
François-Gabriel Lépaulle
1804 - 1886
Manó Andrassy (1821 - 1891)
Manó Andrassy
1821 - 1891
Auguste Borget (1808 - 1877)
Auguste Borget
1808 - 1877
François-Louis Lanfant de Metz (1814 - 1892)
François-Louis Lanfant de Metz
1814 - 1892
Georg Friedrich Heilmann (1785 - 1862)
Georg Friedrich Heilmann
1785 - 1862
Johann Wilhelm Schirmer (1807 - 1863)
Johann Wilhelm Schirmer
1807 - 1863
Abraham Hulk (1813 - 1897)
Abraham Hulk
1813 - 1897
Eugene von Guérard (1811 - 1901)
Eugene von Guérard
1811 - 1901
Martha Darley Mutrie (1824 - 1885)
Martha Darley Mutrie
1824 - 1885
Ernst Stückelberg (1831 - 1903)
Ernst Stückelberg
1831 - 1903
Nicolas Toussaint Charlet (1792 - 1845)
Nicolas Toussaint Charlet
1792 - 1845