Louis Hersent (1777 - 1860) - photo 1

Louis Hersent

Date and place of birt:10 march 1777, Paris, France
Date and place of death:2 october 1860, Paris, France
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Mythological painting, Portrait
Art style:Neoclassicism

Creators France

Olivier Brice (1933)
Olivier Brice
Antonin-Marie Moine (1796 - 1849)
Antonin-Marie Moine
1796 - 1849
Uwe Bangert (1927 - 2017)
Uwe Bangert
1927 - 2017
François Pompon (1855 - 1933)
François Pompon
1855 - 1933
Philip Mercier (1691 - 1760)
Philip Mercier
1691 - 1760
Lydia Fyodorovna Mandel (1900 - 1978)
Lydia Fyodorovna Mandel
1900 - 1978
Marius Jean Antonin Mercié (1845 - 1916)
Marius Jean Antonin Mercié
1845 - 1916
Michel Martin Drolling (1786 - 1851)
Michel Martin Drolling
1786 - 1851
Georges Vantongerloo (1886 - 1965)
Georges Vantongerloo
1886 - 1965
Nikolai Ivanovich Istselennov (1891 - 1981)
Nikolai Ivanovich Istselennov
1891 - 1981
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (1768 - 1826)
Marie-Guillemine Benoist
1768 - 1826
Janice Biala (1903 - 2000)
Janice Biala
1903 - 2000
Daniel Drouin (1937)
Daniel Drouin
Georg Friedrich Strass (1701 - 1773)
Georg Friedrich Strass
1701 - 1773
Eugène Printz (1889 - 1948)
Eugène Printz
1889 - 1948
Noel-Dieudonné Finart (1797 - 1852)
Noel-Dieudonné Finart
1797 - 1852

Creators Neoclassicism

Domingos Antonio Sequeira (1768 - 1837)
Domingos Antonio Sequeira
1768 - 1837
Giuseppe Piattoli (1748 - 1834)
Giuseppe Piattoli
1748 - 1834
Philipp von Foltz (1805 - 1877)
Philipp von Foltz
1805 - 1877
Johann Lebrecht Eggink (1784 - 1867)
Johann Lebrecht Eggink
1784 - 1867
John Verelst (1648 - 1734)
John Verelst
1648 - 1734
François-Guillaume Ménageot (1744 - 1816)
François-Guillaume Ménageot
1744 - 1816
Martin Johann Schmidt (Kremser) (1718 - 1801)
Martin Johann Schmidt (Kremser)
1718 - 1801
Semen Fedorovich Shchedrin (1745 - 1804)
Semen Fedorovich Shchedrin
1745 - 1804
Jean Germain Drouais (1763 - 1788)
Jean Germain Drouais
1763 - 1788
Henry Ryland (1856 - 1924)
Henry Ryland
1856 - 1924
Anna Maria Mengs (1751 - 1793)
Anna Maria Mengs
1751 - 1793
Nicola Peccheneda (1725 - 1804)
Nicola Peccheneda
1725 - 1804
Joseph Chinard (1756 - 1813)
Joseph Chinard
1756 - 1813
Nicolas Bernard Lépicié (1735 - 1784)
Nicolas Bernard Lépicié
1735 - 1784
Samuel Prout (1783 - 1852)
Samuel Prout
1783 - 1852
Guillaume Coustou (Jr.) (1716 - 1777)
Guillaume Coustou (Jr.)
1716 - 1777