Louis Soutter (1871 - 1942) - photo 1

Louis Soutter

Louis Soutter is a Swiss musician, painter and graphic artist.

He spent several years in the U.S., teaching fine art there, then returned to Switzerland. Soutter worked as a musician, played the violin, and created most of his works at an elderly orphanage on the edge of life. When he could not hold brushes because of illness, he began to paint with his fingers, applying paint to paper.

Date and place of birt:4 june 1871, Morges, Switzerland
Date and place of death:20 february 1942, Ballaigues, Switzerland
Nationality:Switzerland, USA
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art style:Art brut, Contemporary art
Louis Soutter - Auction prices

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Creators Switzerland

Johann Heinrich Lips (1758 - 1817)
Johann Heinrich Lips
1758 - 1817
Ugo Rondinone (1964)
Ugo Rondinone
Anrietta Rath (1773 - 1856)
Anrietta Rath
1773 - 1856
Alice Bailly (1872 - 1938)
Alice Bailly
1872 - 1938
Barthélemy Menn (1815 - 1893)
Barthélemy Menn
1815 - 1893
Albert Manser (1937 - 2011)
Albert Manser
1937 - 2011
Gustav Piguet (1909 - 1976)
Gustav Piguet
1909 - 1976
Werner Buser (1928 - 1994)
Werner Buser
1928 - 1994
Wilfrid Moser (1914 - 1997)
Wilfrid Moser
1914 - 1997
Anton Graff (1736 - 1813)
Anton Graff
1736 - 1813
Barbara Heé (1957)
Barbara Heé
Sigismund Righini (1870 - 1937)
Sigismund Righini
1870 - 1937
Peter Wüthrich (1962)
Peter Wüthrich
Rudolf Mirer (1937)
Rudolf Mirer
Louise Bonnet (1970)
Louise Bonnet
Joseph Zelger (1812 - 1885)
Joseph Zelger
1812 - 1885

Creators Art brut

Holger Runge (1925)
Holger Runge
Virgil Preda (1923 - 2011)
Virgil Preda
1923 - 2011
Carlos Sotomayor (1911 - 1988)
Carlos Sotomayor
1911 - 1988
Konstantin Matveyevich Lomykin (1924 - 1993)
Konstantin Matveyevich Lomykin
1924 - 1993
Herman Moiseyevich Gold (1933)
Herman Moiseyevich Gold
Mark Matthes (1976)
Mark Matthes
Dominique Dehais (1956)
Dominique Dehais
Tony Costa (1935 - 2013)
Tony Costa
1935 - 2013
Dan Christensen (1942 - 2007)
Dan Christensen
1942 - 2007
Andrea Cascella (1919 - 1990)
Andrea Cascella
1919 - 1990
Heinrich Salzmann (1959)
Heinrich Salzmann
Gert & Uwe Tobias (1973)
Gert & Uwe Tobias
Amy Elkins (1979)
Amy Elkins
Bernd Kirschner (1980)
Bernd Kirschner
Fanizani Akuda (1932 - 2011)
Fanizani Akuda
1932 - 2011
Kenny Scharf (1958)
Kenny Scharf