Lucas de Valdés (1661 - 1724)

Lucas de Valdés (1661 - 1724) - photo 1

Lucas de Valdés

Lucas de Valdés Carasquilla, a Spanish Baroque painter and engraver from Seville, born in 1661, was the third child of Juan de Valdés Leal. Influenced by his father's role in the painting guild, he began artistic endeavors early, creating his first known work at eleven. Alongside his siblings, he learned painting and engraving techniques in his father's workshop. Notably, he collaborated on assignments like adorning the Hospital de los Venerables' church. After formal education at San Hermenegildo College, he married the daughter of sculptor Francisco Dionisio de Ribas.

Lucas's prominence grew as his father's health declined. He completed various works, including murals, engravings, portraits, and more, reflecting influences from Murillo and others. His significant projects encompassed the murals in churches like the Hospital de los Venerables and the convent of San Pablo el Real. Around 1715, he painted the dome of the church at San Luis de los Franceses, then shifted to teaching mathematics at the Academy of Guardiamarinas in Cádiz from 1719, marking a decline in artistic output. He passed away in Cádiz on February 23, 1725.

Date and place of birt:March 1661, Sevilla, Spain
Date and place of death:23 february 1724, Cadiz, Spain
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver, Genre painter, Painter
Genre:Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Old Masters

Creators Spain

Josep Maria Sirvent (1957)
Josep Maria Sirvent
Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805 - 1873)
Franz Xaver Winterhalter
1805 - 1873
Miguel Angel Campano (1948 - 2018)
Miguel Angel Campano
1948 - 2018
Pedro Flores Garcia (1897 - 1967)
Pedro Flores Garcia
1897 - 1967
Antoni Clavé (1913 - 2005)
Antoni Clavé
1913 - 2005
Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (1838 - 1874)
Mariano Fortuny y Marsal
1838 - 1874
Nicholas Alperis (1865 - 1928)
Nicholas Alperis
1865 - 1928
Luisa Ignacia Roldán (1652 - 1706)
Luisa Ignacia Roldán
1652 - 1706
Jose De Creeft (1884 - 1982)
Jose De Creeft
1884 - 1982
Baldomer Galofre i Giménez (1845 - 1902)
Baldomer Galofre i Giménez
1845 - 1902
Jusepe de Ribera (1591 - 1652)
Jusepe de Ribera
1591 - 1652
Pedro de Mena (1628 - 1688)
Pedro de Mena
1628 - 1688
Eduardo Balaka (1840 - 1914)
Eduardo Balaka
1840 - 1914
Maria Catalán (1961)
Maria Catalán
Antonio Maria Esquivel (1806 - 1857)
Antonio Maria Esquivel
1806 - 1857
José Miralles Darmanin (1851 - 1900)
José Miralles Darmanin
1851 - 1900

Creators Baroque

Giovanni Andrea Sirani (1610 - 1670)
Giovanni Andrea Sirani
1610 - 1670
Nicolas Heurtaut (1720 - 1771)
Nicolas Heurtaut
1720 - 1771
Carlo Dolci (1616 - 1686)
Carlo Dolci
1616 - 1686
Jacques Blanchard (1600 - 1638)
Jacques Blanchard
1600 - 1638
Pietro Bracci (1700 - 1773)
Pietro Bracci
1700 - 1773
Angelo Paglia (1681 - 1763)
Angelo Paglia
1681 - 1763
Willem Wissing (1656 - 1687)
Willem Wissing
1656 - 1687
Marco Liberi (1640 - 1725)
Marco Liberi
1640 - 1725
Antonio Jolie (1700 - 1777)
Antonio Jolie
1700 - 1777
Laurent Delvaux (1696 - 1778)
Laurent Delvaux
1696 - 1778
Dirck van Baburen (1595 - 1624)
Dirck van Baburen
1595 - 1624
Marcantonio Bellavia (XVII century - ?)
Marcantonio Bellavia
XVII century - ?
Michiel van der Voort (1667 - 1737)
Michiel van der Voort
1667 - 1737
Jean Nocret (1615 - 1672)
Jean Nocret
1615 - 1672
Jakob Binck (1495 - 1569)
Jakob Binck
1495 - 1569
Simon Vouet (1590 - 1649)
Simon Vouet
1590 - 1649