Peter Vilhelm Kyhn (1819 - 1903)

Peter Vilhelm Kyhn (1819 - 1903) - photo 1

Peter Vilhelm Kyhn

Peter Vilhelm Carl Kyhn was a Danish landscape painter who belonged to the generation of national Romantic artists. Although he outlived many of his colleagues by several decades, he remained a traditionalist and was sharply critical of many new trends in painting of his time. He studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen.

Peter Wilhelm Kyhn retained the freshness of his vision until the end of his life. He depicted a naturalistic landscape, showing and celebrating the nature of his country, especially exploring the countryside.

Kyhn also played a role as an educator, founding several schools of alternative art, including a painting school for women.


Date and place of birt:30 march 1819, Copenhagen, Denmark
Date and place of death:11 may 1903, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Landscape painting, Rural landscape
Art style:Academism, Romanticism

Creators Denmark

Raimo Veranen (1942 - 2011)
Raimo Veranen
1942 - 2011
Antonio Nicolo Gasparo Jacobsen (1850 - 1921)
Antonio Nicolo Gasparo Jacobsen
1850 - 1921
Rudolph Tegner (1873 - 1950)
Rudolph Tegner
1873 - 1950
Johan Thomas Lundbye (1818 - 1848)
Johan Thomas Lundbye
1818 - 1848
Niels Jacob Jacobsen Bierre (1864 - 1942)
Niels Jacob Jacobsen Bierre
1864 - 1942
Kaj Ejstrup (1902 - 1956)
Kaj Ejstrup
1902 - 1956
Finn Pedersen (1944 - 2014)
Finn Pedersen
1944 - 2014
Zacharias Heinesen (1936)
Zacharias Heinesen
Alberts Tibro (1950)
Alberts Tibro
Henrik Plenge Jakobsen (1967)
Henrik Plenge Jakobsen
Jeppe Hein (1974)
Jeppe Hein
Ingeborg Plockross Irminger (1872 - 1962)
Ingeborg Plockross Irminger
1872 - 1962
Lorenz Frölich (1820 - 1908)
Lorenz Frölich
1820 - 1908
Martinus Christian Wesseltoft Rørbye (1803 - 1848)
Martinus Christian Wesseltoft Rørbye
1803 - 1848
Carl Mathorne (1878 - 1942)
Carl Mathorne
1878 - 1942
Erik Ortvad (1917 - 2008)
Erik Ortvad
1917 - 2008

Creators Academism

Zygmunt Aydukevich (1861 - 1917)
Zygmunt Aydukevich
1861 - 1917
Felix Schlesinger (1833 - 1910)
Felix Schlesinger
1833 - 1910
Francesco Gnecchi (1847 - 1919)
Francesco Gnecchi
1847 - 1919
Robert Kummer (1810 - 1889)
Robert Kummer
1810 - 1889
Eduard Hildebrandt (1818 - 1868)
Eduard Hildebrandt
1818 - 1868
William Jennys (1774 - 1859)
William Jennys
1774 - 1859
Carl Nebel (1805 - 1855)
Carl Nebel
1805 - 1855
Jules Trayer (1824 - 1909)
Jules Trayer
1824 - 1909
Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (1838 - 1874)
Mariano Fortuny y Marsal
1838 - 1874
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)
Victor Hugo
1802 - 1885
Nikolai Radlov (1889 - 1942)
Nikolai Radlov
1889 - 1942
John Warwick Smith (1749 - 1831)
John Warwick Smith
1749 - 1831
Federico Madraso (1815 - 1894)
Federico Madraso
1815 - 1894
Charles van Meer (1810 - 1868)
Charles van Meer
1810 - 1868
Joseph Matthäus Aigner (1818 - 1886)
Joseph Matthäus Aigner
1818 - 1886
Franz Ludwig Catel (1778 - 1856)
Franz Ludwig Catel
1778 - 1856