Stepan Fedorovitch Kolesnikoff (1879 - 1955)

Stepan Fedorovitch Kolesnikoff (1879 - 1955) - photo 1

Stepan Fedorovitch Kolesnikoff

Stepan Fedorovitch Kolesnikoff (Russian: Степан Федорович Колесников) was a Ukrainian realist painter renowned for his exceptional ability to capture the essence of Ukrainian nature and rural life. Born in 1879 in the Russian Empire and passing in 1955 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Kolesnikoff's journey began in a humble peasant family. His artistic talent was evident early on, leading him to the Odessa Art School and subsequently, without exams, to the prestigious Imperial Academy of Arts. Here, he was not only a student but also thrived, winning numerous awards for his work.

Kolesnikoff's art is characterized by its focus on the natural awakening of landscapes, melting snows, floods, and the vibrant days of spring. He also had a keen interest in painting domestic scenes filled with people and animals, often using a palette of blues and bright oranges. Despite the rich detail in his paintings, Kolesnikoff rarely highlighted the faces of his subjects, preferring instead to capture the essence of the moment. His work received high praise from Ilya Repin, a leading Russian artist of the time, underscoring Kolesnikoff's significant impact on realism​​​​.

After emigrating to the Balkans in 1919 due to the political upheaval in Russia, Kolesnikoff settled in Belgrade where he continued his artistic career. He was warmly welcomed and even participated in state assignments, such as leading restoration works on paintings and frescoes. Kolesnikoff's legacy extends beyond his paintings; he was a respected member of the artistic community, contributing to societies like the "Community of Artists" and "Leonardo da Vinci"​​​​.

For collectors and experts in art and antiques, Kolesnikoff's work represents a fascinating blend of cultural and historical narratives, imbued with the beauty of Eastern European landscapes and life. His contributions to realism and his unique approach to depicting rural life make his works highly sought after.

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Date and place of birt:11 july 1879, Luhansk, Russian Empire
Date and place of death:27 may 1955, Belgrade, Serbia
Nationality:Russia, Serbia, Russian Empire
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Decorator, Graphic artist, Painter, Scenographer
Art school / group:Itinerants, Леонардо да Винчи, Община художников, Товарищество южнорусских художников
Genre:Genre art, Landscape painting, Portrait, Still life
Art style:Realism

Creators Russia

Leonid L'vovich Berlin (1925 - 2001)
Leonid L'vovich Berlin
1925 - 2001
Konstantin Yakovlevich Kryzhitsky (1858 - 1911)
Konstantin Yakovlevich Kryzhitsky
1858 - 1911
Nikolai Alexandrovich Sergeev (1855 - 1919)
Nikolai Alexandrovich Sergeev
1855 - 1919
Evstafy Efimovich Bernardsky (1819 - 1889)
Evstafy Efimovich Bernardsky
1819 - 1889
Konstantin Mefodievich Maximov (1913 - 1994)
Konstantin Mefodievich Maximov
1913 - 1994
Afanasy Grigorievich Grigoriev (1782 - 1868)
Afanasy Grigorievich Grigoriev
1782 - 1868
Anatoly Akimovich Nenartovich (1915 - 1988)
Anatoly Akimovich Nenartovich
1915 - 1988
Apolinary Gilyaryevich Horawski (1833 - 1900)
Apolinary Gilyaryevich Horawski
1833 - 1900
Fedor Savvich Shurpin (1904 - 1972)
Fedor Savvich Shurpin
1904 - 1972
Aleksandr Alekseevich Agin (1817 - 1875)
Aleksandr Alekseevich Agin
1817 - 1875
Voldemar Matvejs (1877 - 1916)
Voldemar Matvejs
1877 - 1916
Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya (1922 - 2019)
Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya
1922 - 2019
Simkha Faibusovich Simkhovitch (1885 - 1949)
Simkha Faibusovich Simkhovitch
1885 - 1949
Leonid Purygin (1951 - 1995)
Leonid Purygin
1951 - 1995
Konstantin Alekseyevich Korovin (1861 - 1939)
Konstantin Alekseyevich Korovin
1861 - 1939
Olga Afanasevna Glebova-Sudeykina (1885 - 1945)
Olga Afanasevna Glebova-Sudeykina
1885 - 1945

Creators Realism

Nicolaas Johannes Roosenboom (1805 - 1880)
Nicolaas Johannes Roosenboom
1805 - 1880
Vitol'd Kaetanovich Byalynitsky-Birulya (1872 - 1957)
Vitol'd Kaetanovich Byalynitsky-Birulya
1872 - 1957
Peter Kraemer II (1857 - 1936)
Peter Kraemer II
1857 - 1936
Szymon Buchbinder (1853 - 1922)
Szymon Buchbinder
1853 - 1922
Friedrich Eduard Traffelet (1897 - 1954)
Friedrich Eduard Traffelet
1897 - 1954
Eugene Ciceri (1813 - 1890)
Eugene Ciceri
1813 - 1890
Reinhard Schnauder (1856 - 1923)
Reinhard Schnauder
1856 - 1923
Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Murashko (1875 - 1919)
Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Murashko
1875 - 1919
Mikhail Ivanovich Avilov (1882 - 1954)
Mikhail Ivanovich Avilov
1882 - 1954
Kaspar Heinrich Merz (1806 - 1875)
Kaspar Heinrich Merz
1806 - 1875
Jean-Joseph Delvin (1853 - 1922)
Jean-Joseph Delvin
1853 - 1922
Vera Rockline (1896 - 1934)
Vera Rockline
1896 - 1934
Manuel Khristoforovich Alajalov (1862 - 1934)
Manuel Khristoforovich Alajalov
1862 - 1934
Théodore Levigne (1848 - 1912)
Théodore Levigne
1848 - 1912
William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939)
William Butler Yeats
1865 - 1939
Vratislav Nehleba (1885 - 1965)
Vratislav Nehleba
1885 - 1965