Joseph-Casimir Konstantinovich Budkevich (1841 - 1895)

Joseph-Casimir Konstantinovich Budkevich (1841 - 1895) - photo 1

Joseph-Casimir Konstantinovich Budkevich

Joseph-Casimir Konstantinovich Budkevich (Russian: Иосиф-Казимир Константинович Будкевич) was a Ukrainian painter and draftsman, born on April 18, 1841, in Kyiv. Known for his battle scenes and landscapes, Budkevich studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg, where he received several medals for his works. In 1873, he was awarded the title of Class Artist 3rd Degree.

Budkevich traveled to Italy, France, Spain, and Palestine to refine his skills. In the late 1870s and 1880s, he taught at the Kyiv Drawing School, where one of his students was Mykola Pymonenko. From 1887 to 1895, he was a member of the Kyiv Society of Art Exhibitions.

Among his notable works are "Pilgrim at the Monastery Wall" (1883) and "Jerusalem" (1894). These paintings are exhibited at the Kyiv Museum of Russian Art and the Pskov Art Gallery. His work is highly valued by collectors and art experts for its uniqueness and mastery.

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Date and place of birt:18 april 1841, Kiev, Russian Empire
Date and place of death:3 december 1895, Kiev, Russian Empire
Nationality:Ukraine, Russian Empire
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Batalist, Draftsman, Educator, Genre painter, Painter
Art school / group:Russian school
Genre:Genre art, Landscape painting, Military art
Art style:Realism

Creators Ukraine

Anton Pavlovich Losenko (1737 - 1773)
Anton Pavlovich Losenko
1737 - 1773
Mikhail Grigorievich Greku (1916 - 1998)
Mikhail Grigorievich Greku
1916 - 1998
Yevgeny Ivanovich Stolitsa (1870 - 1929)
Yevgeny Ivanovich Stolitsa
1870 - 1929
Isay Mikhaylovich Zeytman (1899 - 1996)
Isay Mikhaylovich Zeytman
1899 - 1996
Oleg Borisovich Kulik (1961)
Oleg Borisovich Kulik
Grigory Ivanovich Gavrilenko (1927 - 1984)
Grigory Ivanovich Gavrilenko
1927 - 1984
Alexander Semyonovich Liberman (1912 - 1999)
Alexander Semyonovich Liberman
1912 - 1999
Yevgeny Grigoryevich Monin (1931 - 2002)
Yevgeny Grigoryevich Monin
1931 - 2002
Mikhail Rodionovich Pestrikov (1864 - 1930)
Mikhail Rodionovich Pestrikov
1864 - 1930
Viktor Nikandrovich Palmov (1888 - 1929)
Viktor Nikandrovich Palmov
1888 - 1929
Leonid Ivanovich Chernov (1915 - 1990)
Leonid Ivanovich Chernov
1915 - 1990
Stanislav Kachor Batovsky (1866 - 1946)
Stanislav Kachor Batovsky
1866 - 1946
Erazm Fabiyansky (1826 - 1892)
Erazm Fabiyansky
1826 - 1892
Leonid Pavlovich Ostapenko (1937 - 2017)
Leonid Pavlovich Ostapenko
1937 - 2017
Ivan Grigorievich Myasoedov (1881 - 1953)
Ivan Grigorievich Myasoedov
1881 - 1953
Wilhelm Kotarbiński (1848 - 1921)
Wilhelm Kotarbiński
1848 - 1921

Creators Realism

Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898 - 1995)
Alfred Eisenstaedt
1898 - 1995
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kiselev (1838 - 1911)
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kiselev
1838 - 1911
Luidzhi (Lyudvig Osipovich) Prematstsi (1814 - 1891)
Luidzhi (Lyudvig Osipovich) Prematstsi
1814 - 1891
Karl Salzman (1847 - 1923)
Karl Salzman
1847 - 1923
B. Speer (1871 - 1917)
B. Speer
1871 - 1917
Aleksandr Ivanovich Savinov (1881 - 1942)
Aleksandr Ivanovich Savinov
1881 - 1942
Jоzsef Boksay (1891 - 1975)
Jоzsef Boksay
1891 - 1975
William Logsdail (1859 - 1944)
William Logsdail
1859 - 1944
Bela Balla (1882 - 1965)
Bela Balla
1882 - 1965
Rubens Santoro (1859 - 1941)
Rubens Santoro
1859 - 1941
Fortunino Matania (1881 - 1963)
Fortunino Matania
1881 - 1963
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827 - 1875)
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux
1827 - 1875
Rosa Scherer (1866 - 1926)
Rosa Scherer
1866 - 1926
Thomas Blinks (1860 - 1912)
Thomas Blinks
1860 - 1912
Vladimir Konstantinovich Labutov (1949)
Vladimir Konstantinovich Labutov
Alexis Leger (1887 - 1975)
Alexis Leger
1887 - 1975