Kristoffel Lyubenetsky (1659 - 1729)

Kristoffel Lyubenetsky (1659 - 1729) - photo 1

Kristoffel Lyubenetsky

Date and place of birt:1659, Szczecin, Poland
Date and place of death:1729, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nationality:Poland, The Netherlands
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Engraver, Painter, Portraitist
Art style:Baroque

Creators Poland

Eduard Kaempffer (1859 - 1926)
Eduard Kaempffer
1859 - 1926
Valery Vsevolodovich Kapterev (1900 - 1981)
Valery Vsevolodovich Kapterev
1900 - 1981
Heinrich Wildemann (1904 - 1964)
Heinrich Wildemann
1904 - 1964
Conrad Freyberg (1842 - 1915)
Conrad Freyberg
1842 - 1915
Zygmunt Aydukevich (1861 - 1917)
Zygmunt Aydukevich
1861 - 1917
Maria Albin Bończa-Boniecki (1908 - 1995)
Maria Albin Bończa-Boniecki
1908 - 1995
Ernst Kolbe (1876 - 1945)
Ernst Kolbe
1876 - 1945
Leonhard Sandrock (1867 - 1945)
Leonhard Sandrock
1867 - 1945
Maria Alexandrovna Lagorio (1893 - 1979)
Maria Alexandrovna Lagorio
1893 - 1979
Edward Mesyash (1929 - 2007)
Edward Mesyash
1929 - 2007
Ludomir Benedyktovich (1844 - 1926)
Ludomir Benedyktovich
1844 - 1926
Stanislaw Wincenty Chlebowski (1890 - 1969)
Stanislaw Wincenty Chlebowski
1890 - 1969
Jean-Baptiste Pillement (1728 - 1808)
Jean-Baptiste Pillement
1728 - 1808
Leopold Gottlieb (1883 - 1934)
Leopold Gottlieb
1883 - 1934
Maurice Calka (1921 - 1999)
Maurice Calka
1921 - 1999
Leon Bibel (1913 - 1995)
Leon Bibel
1913 - 1995

Creators Baroque

Lucas Achtschellinck (1626 - 1699)
Lucas Achtschellinck
1626 - 1699
Gottfried Locher (1735 - 1795)
Gottfried Locher
1735 - 1795
Joachim von Sandrart (1606 - 1688)
Joachim von Sandrart
1606 - 1688
Abraham Storck (1644 - 1708)
Abraham Storck
1644 - 1708
Christiaen van Couwenbergh (1604 - 1667)
Christiaen van Couwenbergh
1604 - 1667
Giuseppe Caletti (1600 - 1660)
Giuseppe Caletti
1600 - 1660
Giacomo del Pò (1654 - 1726)
Giacomo del Pò
1654 - 1726
Johann Heiss (1640 - 1704)
Johann Heiss
1640 - 1704
Antoine Coypel (1661 - 1722)
Antoine Coypel
1661 - 1722
Pedro Rodriguez de Miranda (1696 - 1766)
Pedro Rodriguez de Miranda
1696 - 1766
Francis Wheatley (1747 - 1801)
Francis Wheatley
1747 - 1801
David Teniers I (1582 - 1649)
David Teniers I
1582 - 1649
Pier Francesco Cittadini (1616 - 1681)
Pier Francesco Cittadini
1616 - 1681
Anton Wilhelm Tischbein (1730 - 1804)
Anton Wilhelm Tischbein
1730 - 1804
Giovanni Battista Cimaroli (1687 - 1771)
Giovanni Battista Cimaroli
1687 - 1771
Franz Anton Danne (1700 - 1767)
Franz Anton Danne
1700 - 1767