Michael Willmann (1630 - 1706)

Michael Willmann (1630 - 1706) - photo 1

Michael Willmann

Michael Leopold Lukas Willmann was a German painter of the second half of the 17th and early 18th centuries. He is considered the outstanding painter of Silesia of the Baroque period, and has been called the "Silesian Rembrandt" or "Silesian Raphael".

Willmann became known for his technical mastery as well as the speed with which he executed commissions. During his lifetime he created about 500 paintings and frescoes, of which about 300 have survived to this day. He used a special technique of painting the background and correcting details, which was also used by his pupils. Biblical subjects were at the center of Willmann's work, and his frescoes adorn churches and monasteries in Silesia to this day.

Date and place of birt:27 september 1630, Königsberg, Prussia
Date and place of death:26 august 1706, Lubiąż, Germany
Nationality:Germany, Poland
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Genre painter, Painter, Portraitist
Genre:Landscape painting, Mythological painting, Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque
Michael Lukas Leopold Willmann - Auction prices

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Creators Germany

Dieter Göltenboth (1933 - 2013)
Dieter Göltenboth
1933 - 2013
Paula von Wächter (1860 - 1944)
Paula von Wächter
1860 - 1944
Hannes Beckmann (1909 - 1977)
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1909 - 1977
Carl Rudell (1855 - 1939)
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1855 - 1939
Walter Richard Sickert (1860 - 1942)
Walter Richard Sickert
1860 - 1942
Johann Velten (1807 - 1883)
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1807 - 1883
Gerhard Seyde (1935 - 2011)
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1935 - 2011
Wassili Luckhardt (1889 - 1972)
Wassili Luckhardt
1889 - 1972
Karl Ludwig Jessen (1833 - 1917)
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1833 - 1917
Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630)
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1571 - 1630
Rudolf Reschreiter (1868 - 1939)
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1868 - 1939
Ulrich Koch (1962)
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Friedrich Otto Gebler (1838 - 1917)
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1838 - 1917
Ernst Liebermann (1869 - 1960)
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1869 - 1960
Martin Johannes Scholkmann (1938 - 2013)
Martin Johannes Scholkmann
1938 - 2013
Maina-Miriam Munsky (1943 - 1999)
Maina-Miriam Munsky
1943 - 1999

Creators Baroque

Pieter van Laer (1599 - 1642)
Pieter van Laer
1599 - 1642
Pieter de Hooch (1629 - 1684)
Pieter de Hooch
1629 - 1684
Georg Gsell (1673 - 1740)
Georg Gsell
1673 - 1740
Johann Theodor de Bry (1561 - 1623)
Johann Theodor de Bry
1561 - 1623
Joseph Wannenmacher (1722 - 1780)
Joseph Wannenmacher
1722 - 1780
Abraham Janssens (1575 - 1632)
Abraham Janssens
1575 - 1632
Hendrick Martensz Sorgh (1610 - 1670)
Hendrick Martensz Sorgh
1610 - 1670
Jan Kupecky (1667 - 1740)
Jan Kupecky
1667 - 1740
Willem van de Velde II (1633 - 1707)
Willem van de Velde II
1633 - 1707
Isaac de Moucheron (1667 - 1744)
Isaac de Moucheron
1667 - 1744
Anthony van Dyck (1599 - 1641)
Anthony van Dyck
1599 - 1641
Abraham Jansz. Bega (1637 - 1697)
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1637 - 1697
Melchor Pérez de Holguín (1660 - 1732)
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Girolamo Troppa (1636 - 1711)
Girolamo Troppa
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Caspar Netscher (1639 - 1684)
Caspar Netscher
1639 - 1684
Giulia Elisabetta Lama (1681 - 1747)
Giulia Elisabetta Lama
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