Willy Stöwer (1864 - 1931) - photo 1

Willy Stöwer

Willy Stöwer was a German artist of the late nineteenth and first third of the twentieth centuries. He is known as a painter and graphic artist, as well as a book illustrator.

Stöwer became famous for his marine paintings and lithographs. He was particularly popular for his graphic work depicting the sinking of the Titanic, created for Die Gartenlaube magazine. Despite some factual errors, this drawing became iconic and was published many times. During his career, from 1892 to 1929, Stöwer illustrated a total of 57 books, creating more than 1,200 black-and-white and color illustrations, as well as commissions for posters, postcards, and advertisements.

Date and place of birt:22 may 1864, Wolgast, Germany
Date and place of death:31 may 1931, Berlin, Germany
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Graphic artist, Illustrator, Marine painter, Painter
Genre:Marine art, графическая иллюстрация
Art style:Realism

Creators Germany

Julius Köhnholz (1839 - 1925)
Julius Köhnholz
1839 - 1925
Karen Schacht (1900 - 1987)
Karen Schacht
1900 - 1987
Uwe Herbst (1952)
Uwe Herbst
Alfons Epple (1899 - 1948)
Alfons Epple
1899 - 1948
Michael Mathias Prechtl (1926 - 2003)
Michael Mathias Prechtl
1926 - 2003
Günter Evertz (1957)
Günter Evertz
Ottmar Hörl (1950)
Ottmar Hörl
Fritz von Uhde (1848 - 1911)
Fritz von Uhde
1848 - 1911
Günter Ferdinand Ris (1928 - 2005)
Günter Ferdinand Ris
1928 - 2005
Eduard Thöny (1866 - 1950)
Eduard Thöny
1866 - 1950
Bertold Mathes (1957)
Bertold Mathes
Karl Zerbe (1903 - 1972)
Karl Zerbe
1903 - 1972
Johann Konrad Schnell (1646 - 1704)
Johann Konrad Schnell
1646 - 1704
Anton Doll (1826 - 1887)
Anton Doll
1826 - 1887
Jakob Lehnen (1803 - 1847)
Jakob Lehnen
1803 - 1847
Karl Ulrich Nuss (1943)
Karl Ulrich Nuss

Creators Realism

Melchoir Broederlam (1350 - 1409)
Melchoir Broederlam
1350 - 1409
Carlo Raimondi (1809 - 1883)
Carlo Raimondi
1809 - 1883
Ivan Choultse (1874 - 1939)
Ivan Choultse
1874 - 1939
Alexandre Bertin (1853 - 1934)
Alexandre Bertin
1853 - 1934
Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898 - 1972)
Maurits Cornelis Escher
1898 - 1972
Carl Röchling (1855 - 1920)
Carl Röchling
1855 - 1920
Joseph Birbeck I (1862 - ?)
Joseph Birbeck I
1862 - ?
Gustav Koken (1850 - 1910)
Gustav Koken
1850 - 1910
Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin (1878 - 1939)
Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin
1878 - 1939
Pavel Pavlovich Veselov (1926 - 1994)
Pavel Pavlovich Veselov
1926 - 1994
Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov (1887 - 1967)
Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov
1887 - 1967
Johan Mari Henri ten Kate (1831 - 1910)
Johan Mari Henri ten Kate
1831 - 1910
Georgii Nikolaevich Traugot (1903 - 1961)
Georgii Nikolaevich Traugot
1903 - 1961
Victor Ivanovich Tolochko (1922 - 2006)
Victor Ivanovich Tolochko
1922 - 2006
Marc Sterling (1895 - 1976)
Marc Sterling
1895 - 1976
Gustav Prucha (1875 - 1952)
Gustav Prucha
1875 - 1952