Fritz Kreidt (1936 - 2020) - photo 1

Fritz Kreidt

Fritz Kreidt was a German painter. He was a member of the Künstlersonderbund, an association of German artists committed to realism.

Coming from university, Kreidt's early works were rather abstract, but he soon turned to a more figurative style of representation. He finally found his main subject in melancholic-looking landscape depictions - often industrial wastelands or building sites - which, although often deserted, bear witness to human labour and its transience. Since the year of German reunification in 1990, Kreidt has been concerned with industrial and urban landscapes of the former GDR.

In 2005, Kreidt went on a study trip to China, which inspired him to create the series "Chinese Landscapes". In these works, deviating from his usual technique of oil painting, he often used conté and coloured pencils, with which he rendered architectural and landscape elements in fine strokes in a manner more oriented towards graphic art.

Date and place of birt:3 july 1936, Essen, Germany
Date and place of death:27 march 2020, Berlin, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Graphic artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:NEUEN GRUPPE
Genre:Cityscape, Industrial landscape, Landscape painting
Art style:Contemporary realism, Photorealism, Realism

Creators Germany

Heinrich Deiters (1840 - 1916)
Heinrich Deiters
1840 - 1916
Reinhold Boeltzig (1863 - 1941)
Reinhold Boeltzig
1863 - 1941
Ernst Hermanns (1914 - 2000)
Ernst Hermanns
1914 - 2000
Charles Gore (1729 - 1807)
Charles Gore
1729 - 1807
Rolf Böhlig (1904 - 1979)
Rolf Böhlig
1904 - 1979
Ottmar Hörl (1950)
Ottmar Hörl
Thomas Zipp (1966)
Thomas Zipp
Marc Sterling (1895 - 1976)
Marc Sterling
1895 - 1976
Morten Müller (1828 - 1911)
Morten Müller
1828 - 1911
Maximilian Hermann Maxy (1895 - 1971)
Maximilian Hermann Maxy
1895 - 1971
Maik und Dirk Löbbert ()
Maik und Dirk Löbbert
Ferdinand Staeger (1880 - 1976)
Ferdinand Staeger
1880 - 1976
Gabriel Max (1840 - 1915)
Gabriel Max
1840 - 1915
Adolf Schill (1848 - 1911)
Adolf Schill
1848 - 1911
William Barnes Wollen (1857 - 1936)
William Barnes Wollen
1857 - 1936
Fritz Friedrichs (1882 - 1928)
Fritz Friedrichs
1882 - 1928

Creators Contemporary realism

Jean-Joseph Delvin (1853 - 1922)
Jean-Joseph Delvin
1853 - 1922
Cyrus Edwin Dallin (1861 - 1944)
Cyrus Edwin Dallin
1861 - 1944
Tatiana Vasilevna Afanaseva (1946)
Tatiana Vasilevna Afanaseva
John Northcote Nash (1893 - 1977)
John Northcote Nash
1893 - 1977
Eduard Charlemont (1848 - 1906)
Eduard Charlemont
1848 - 1906
Émile Jourdan (1860 - 1931)
Émile Jourdan
1860 - 1931
Sigismund Righini (1870 - 1937)
Sigismund Righini
1870 - 1937
Robert Havell II (1793 - 1878)
Robert Havell II
1793 - 1878
Karl Josef Müller (1865 - 1942)
Karl Josef Müller
1865 - 1942
Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848 - 1884)
Jules Bastien-Lepage
1848 - 1884
George Earl (1824 - 1908)
George Earl
1824 - 1908
Randy Dudley (1950)
Randy Dudley
Chen Yifei (1946 - 2005)
Chen Yifei
1946 - 2005
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799 - 1837)
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
1799 - 1837
Orest Georgievich Vereysky (1915 - 1993)
Orest Georgievich Vereysky
1915 - 1993
Karl Heynen-Dumont (1883 - 1955)
Karl Heynen-Dumont
1883 - 1955