Johann Baptist Zimmermann (1680 - 1758)

Johann Baptist Zimmermann (1680 - 1758) - photo 1

Johann Baptist Zimmermann

Date and place of birt:3 january 1680, Wessobrunn, Germany
Date and place of death:2 march 1758, Munich, Germany
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Painter
Genre:Mythological painting, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque
Johann Baptist Zimmermann, zugeschrieben. The Apotheosis of Ceres - Auction prices

Auction prices Johann Baptist Zimmermann

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Creators Germany

Oska Gutheil (1980)
Oska Gutheil
Paul Walter Ehrhardt (1872 - 1959)
Paul Walter Ehrhardt
1872 - 1959
Wilhelm Petersen (1900 - 1987)
Wilhelm Petersen
1900 - 1987
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983)
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff
1892 - 1983
Arthur Degner (1888 - 1972)
Arthur Degner
1888 - 1972
Heinrich Siepmann (1904 - 2002)
Heinrich Siepmann
1904 - 2002
Christoph M. Gais (1951)
Christoph M. Gais
August Seidel (1820 - 1904)
August Seidel
1820 - 1904
Ernst Zimmer (1864 - 1924)
Ernst Zimmer
1864 - 1924
Franz Michael Katz (1782 - 1851)
Franz Michael Katz
1782 - 1851
Gustav Adolf Landgrebe (1837 - 1899)
Gustav Adolf Landgrebe
1837 - 1899
Johann Peter Theodor Janssen (1844 - 1908)
Johann Peter Theodor Janssen
1844 - 1908
Morten Müller (1828 - 1911)
Morten Müller
1828 - 1911
Reinhold Köhler (1919 - 1970)
Reinhold Köhler
1919 - 1970
Hans Leonhard Schäufelein (1480 - 1540)
Hans Leonhard Schäufelein
1480 - 1540
Paul Alfred Schroeter (Schröter) (1866 - 1946)
Paul Alfred Schroeter (Schröter)
1866 - 1946

Creators Baroque

Maso da Finiguerra (1426 - 1464)
Maso da Finiguerra
1426 - 1464
Jacopo da Empoli (1551 - 1640)
Jacopo da Empoli
1551 - 1640
Pierre-Louis Cretey (1635 - 1721)
Pierre-Louis Cretey
1635 - 1721
Hallé Claude-Guy (1652 - 1736)
Hallé Claude-Guy
1652 - 1736
Juan Andres Risi de Guevara (1600 - 1681)
Juan Andres Risi de Guevara
1600 - 1681
Jacob Duck (1600 - 1667)
Jacob Duck
1600 - 1667
Johann Georg Bergmüller (1688 - 1762)
Johann Georg Bergmüller
1688 - 1762
Carlo Ceresa (1609 - 1679)
Carlo Ceresa
1609 - 1679
Giovanni Battista Gaulli (1639 - 1709)
Giovanni Battista Gaulli
1639 - 1709
Pierre Reymond (1513 - 1584)
Pierre Reymond
1513 - 1584
Hans Jakob Nüscheler I (1583 - 1654)
Hans Jakob Nüscheler I
1583 - 1654
Abraham van Beijeren (1620 - 1690)
Abraham van Beijeren
1620 - 1690
 Domenichino (1581 - 1641)
1581 - 1641
Gerhard Ludvig Lahde (1765 - 1833)
Gerhard Ludvig Lahde
1765 - 1833
James Basire I (1730 - 1802)
James Basire I
1730 - 1802
Cesare Pronti (1626 - 1708)
Cesare Pronti
1626 - 1708